“Tell me, what is it that you plan to do with your one, wild and precious life?” ~ Mary Oliver heart

July 8, 2014

We can tolerate. We turn a blind eye. We compromise. We say everything's ok. We say we're ok. We say we're fine. We find a million ways to avoid ...

June 23, 2014

Perhaps the thought of being supported brings up thoughts of "I can do it myself," or "I don't need any support, I'm doing fine." Amazing, indepen...

June 16, 2014

A client shared this with me during a recent session. She said that she really didn't know how to have a good relationship. As soon as she shared t...

June 3, 2014

I used to believe that freedom was for other people. People who didn't believe in hard work and sacrifice. That was a belief that kept me stuck for...

May 29, 2014

One of the main themes I've noticed lately in my work with clients, has been the theme of surrender. Of having faith and letting go into a space th...

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Testimonial 1

When I came to you I felt confused, disconnected and broken. Now, I'm on my way to feeling whole. Thank you.
Kim Cochrane
When I came to you I felt confused, disconnected and broken. Now, I'm on my way to feeling whole. Thank you.

Testimonial 2

I’m so glad I’m giving myself space to explore what’s happening in my life and to understand my feelings.
Kim Cochrane
I’m so glad I’m giving myself space to explore what’s happening in my life and to understand my feelings.

Testimonial 3

I've wanted to do this for a while and I'm so glad I did - I trust myself more now, I feel more calm and open - working together has changed the course of my life.

Kim Cochrane
I've wanted to do this for a while and I'm so glad I did - I trust myself more now, I feel more calm and open - working together has changed the course of my life.
Kim Cochrane