Finding Freedom in the Flow

June 3, 2014

I used to believe that freedom was for other people. People who didn’t believe in hard work and sacrifice. That was a belief that kept me stuck for a long time.

Then I learned that freedom is about listening to and following the voice inside you that guides you and tells you how you feel about what’s happening in your life.

Many of us feel disconnected from ourselves.

You can connect to your ‘flow’ when you’re still, or when you dance, or meditate. You can deeply connect to the feelings inside yourself, and when you do, you step into the ‘flow’.

Stepping into and connecting to the ‘flow’ can free you.

We usually don’t think too much about freedom until we feel restricted in some way. When we feel out of the ‘flow’ of our true nature.

You know the feeling of doing what you really, really want to do, rather than the feeling of what you think your partner, your family or your boss would want you to do?

That’s what freedom is.

It’s honest and true. Not selfish. It’s authentic and real.

Freedom = Life Beyond Expectations or Responsibilities

What are your beliefs about freedom?

Maybe you feel it’s not responsible to choose a life based on what makes you joyful, and you feel that you should be doing what’s responsible in order to feel safe and secure.

It can be so hard to listen to what your heart is telling you, when everyone in your life is telling you to stay put and not to ‘rock the boat’.

Maybe your heart is telling you it’s time to do things in a new way, a way that you’ve never tried before.

It’s asking you to take a step into the unknown.

When you begin to open, your life can guide you, one step at a time.

We can create shackles that keep us tethered to the past and to outgrown situations, for fear of feeling pain and of stepping outside of social expectations.

Every time you let go, and let your heart guide you, the circumstances of your life rise to meet you to allow you to move into the unknown. Opportunities and experiences that you did not believe existed will rise up in front of you.

Understanding this process can feel scary on your own, that’s why we do it together, at least at first.

Staying true to your own feelings, understanding your choices and letting go into the ‘flow’ of your own life, will keep you feeling alive and free.

The rewards are great.

Let’s take one step into your personal freedom together.

[email protected] or 647 222-3086



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