Turn towards yourself. Trust your inner experience.
Feel at-home in your body, mind & heart.
Allow your energy & aliveness to flow.

somatic energy practitioner

Your body holds deep wisdom - and emotional memories are held in your body. Understand how physical symptoms may be masking deeper emotional concerns. Process, allow movement and release deeply held patterns & habits held in your body’s library. Allow your energy and aliveness to flow.
Discover the connection between your thoughts, actions & struggles you may be facing. Unravel the layers of your personal mythology – and find your centre – with your feet on the ground. Move beyond the mind & thoughts to experience the presence of being in the here & now.
Begin a lifelong deep connection & love for yourself. Clear space for new awareness & understanding. Experience a profoundly new way of embodying yourself in the world. Breakthrough to wholehearted self-expression & freedom.
Read the Latest from the Blog

"You have no need to travel anywhere - journey within yourself. Enter a mine of rubies and bathe in the splendor of your own light." ~Rumi  ​After enjoying a much slower, nurturing pace over the summer, I'm back to working with clients in-person ...

"To be fully human is to be wild. Wild is a strange pull and whispering wisdom. It's a gentle nudge and the forceful ache. It's your truth passed down from the ancients, and the very stream of life in your blood. Wild is the soul where passion and...

The Embodied Well-Being Program & Practice

Self-Love & True Freedom Program

Re-wild your life – awaken your heart, live from your deepest wisdom & allow fears and obstacles to fall away.


an opening for you ~
  for compassionate curiosity and non-judgmental engagement with your body, mind & heart.

somatic energy practitioner

somatic relational practices ~
for those who choose to pay attention to feelings and sensations in their body ~ gradually shifting your experience of your body & your relationships ~ your ways of being and relating in the world.



Get In Touch

I would be happy to talk with you and answer any questions you might have about working with me.

You can also read what others have to say
about working with me.