“Tell me, what is it that you plan to do with your one, wild and precious life?” ~ Mary Oliver heart

February 21, 2018

"The most powerful ties are the ones to the people who gave us birth... it hardly seems to matter how many years have passed, how many betrayals ...

February 11, 2018

"There is no present or future, only the past, happening over and over again." ~ Eugene O'Neill Do you wish you could feel closer and more connect...

February 4, 2018

"If your everyday practice is to open to your emotions, to all of the people you meet, to all of the situations you encounter, without closing down...

January 18, 2018

As a society, we spend thousands of dollars to learn skills for business, hobbies or physical well being. Yet, we spend very little time invest...

January 11, 2018

The Truth of the Mind Begins in the Body.   My faith in our innate capacity to heal is deeply informed by my own history of healing chronic s...

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Kim Cochrane

Testimonial 1

When I came to you I felt confused, disconnected and broken. Now, I'm on my way to feeling whole. Thank you.
Kim Cochrane
When I came to you I felt confused, disconnected and broken. Now, I'm on my way to feeling whole. Thank you.