Relationship as Medicine – Emergence – The Embodied Feminine Community for Connection & Somatic Nervous System Healing – Inner Work for Your Body, Heart & Soul – The Power of Unconditional Love, Flowing Energy & Being in the Present Moment.

“off we fly, souls regenerated, onward to the next great arc of sky, the next beautiful unfurling, our eyes flecked with nova and starstuff, we are made for this journey.” ~ marna scooter

I have missed connecting with you more often – I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer and is ready to move into the cooler days of fall.

I’ve been navigating a roller coaster of emotions this summer, as my dog, Dylan, slows down and moves towards the end of his life. We even postponed a date that was set for his euthanasia, as I knew in my heart that it wasn’t his time to go yet. Thankfully, as I write this, he is still with us and we are grateful for each day.

The nature of his health means that we can’t travel too far away from home for too long – so day trips are in and longer trips are out. He is reminding us about the value of life, the power of being present with yourself, your body, and your nervous system responses.
Even though we know that every living thing around us is going to pass away, when you are faced with the reality of it, it shakes up our reality and throws our nervous system for a loop. Familiar patterns can arise in those moments and it’s so important to reach out for caring support – and be compassionate, soft and kind to ourselves in these moments – when things feel the hardest.
Moving into fall, there is something wonderful that I want to share with you – a NEW Community Group Program for Women that is beginning in October.

Do you feel the pulsating energy within you? The urge to be with what you’ve been feeling and holding inside of you and take some steps towards connection, healing and growth.

During our work together, many women tell me that they feel isolated and alone, even in the midst of their busy lives full of family, work and relationships. There comes a time when we realize that we must open ourselves to receive, to step forward towards a new path of healing – and begin to invest in our emotional and physical health. One of our primary emotional needs is a need for true connection.

Showing up for yourself and others, keeping yourself and your needs close, does something good for you and your life. When you choose to uncover and share your needs with others in a loving, supportive space, things begin to change.

That’s why I’m excited to offer a new group program for women – Emergence – Allowing Softness – The Feminine Embodiment Community – beginning on Monday. October 16, 2023 – Monday evenings from 6:30pm to 8pm. Join us in this safe container from anywhere – $497.00 CAD for the 7-Week Program.

This group offering supports and augments the inner one-on-one personal work that we are doing. There are times when we need a larger container, a more encompassing space in which to do the work of soul. As Carl Jung once wrote, “The soul cannot become itself without an other, which is always found in a You.”

We require community to fully restore ourselves to the world. This group program helps to place us back in the original context of belonging and deep participation in the soul lives of others.

Ultimately, it is community that offers a blessing, a landing and an acceptance of being a part of something larger than ourselves.

Our wounds make us doubt that we will ever be welcomed into the arms of the group, which makes the step into that territory feel risky. And yet, to remain outside of the body of the community is to live in isolation. At some point, we must, as poet Mary Oliver says, “risk the wildest places, lest we go down in despair and comfort.” Finding our way back into the world makes possible our full embodiment. We enter the great dance of life and offer ourselves as we are to the breathing earth.

In these times, I am thankful for the long path I’ve had with many excellent teachers, and a commitment to sharing what I’ve learned with others.

Energetic, somatic nervous system and early developmental trauma healing has been the most powerful healing process of my life.

When I went to somatic trauma healing school for over 6 years, it gave me context for all the practices that I’ve been doing, teaching and sharing.

I finally felt and understood what was happening within me on a foundational level and I felt it in my body.

What a relief.

I can be with my feelings as they rise and fall and I want you to join me.

This is not my hobby. It is a soul calling.

People have changed their relationships, their approach to their careers, their health, their bank accounts, and their approach to fun and play. 

Courage is a willingness to show up and be seen.

When we experience trauma, so many parts of us are impacted. There are layers we need to tend to in our healing so that we can re-access our self-compassion, remembering dignity and love. We have to learn how to embrace and tend to pain gently as it arises in our body/heart/mind.

And the best way I know – is through doing that TOGETHER, in “safe enough” connection. When we’ve been hurt in relationship, we can also heal in supportive relationships. Relationship is medicine.

When there’s space for every part of us in the healing relationship, it’s easier to welcome that pain and then we can sink and settle into our fullest selves.

Trauma healing begins with creating space to support our nervous systems – they’ve been ruptured and in survival – causing us emotional and physical pain.

The more we embody and increase our nervous system’s capacity for the full spectrum of our human experience, the more we can steadily support ourselves with self-compassion and healing.

We grow stronger together. 

As a specialist in early developmental trauma and our family trauma imprint, I feel it’s so important to know that this type of trauma lays down patterns in our brains (minds), bodies, and behaviour that we often find hard to resolve. 

And who doesn’t have those patterns? Parents do their best, but no upbringing is perfect. We all have something in us that we learned in our families early on that makes us feel uncomfortable and separate. 

Research shows that the impact of these patterns is profound. They affect our brains and nervous systems during development, and set us up for anxiety, depression, addictions, relationship struggles, and even physical illness.

Can you identify the effects of early trauma in you now? If not, then you are far from alone. Early developmental trauma patterns get passed down through the generations. Your parents probably had unresolved trauma in their own experience, and their parents, and so on.

It’s a legacy of suffering that continues—until we illuminate it with intelligence, compassion, and truth.

This is why I’m so excited that trauma is coming more and more out into the open. You can learn about it, take part in healing sessions and groups and ultimately take the actions to incline yourself towards healing. 

And if you’re wondering what healing trauma has to do with awakening consciousness, consider this. 

Awakening is the end of the belief in the separate self. When this belief falls away, everything that lies hidden in you that keeps you feeling disconnected from life comes into the light of loving aware presence, including these subtle early patterns. 

Bring this light deeply into the patterns of early developmental trauma, and you’ll discover the root of the feeling of separation—a sense of lack or incompleteness. Experience this feeling in the body—without the story—and you’ll discover there’s nothing real about it whatsoever.

Becoming aware of how early trauma lives in you takes willingness and courage, as you will probably be leaning into scary places you haven’t touched before.

For me, this journey has been fueled by the fire of, “No more” No more suffering, no more cycling around in the same old patterns that have held me back from the full expression of who I am. 

As we get more intimate with the subtleties of these patterns, they’ll start to soften, layer by layer. Stay with it, and there’s more and more space for the light of your true nature to shine through brilliantly.

We’re loving, whole, and resilient at the core. We can do this work. 

In my experience, these patterns don’t completely disappear, but they relax tremendously. It’s an ongoing process to notice the reaction, feel the pain and hold it with huge compassion, then return to the knowing of awakened consciousness. 

The pain can visit, but it doesn’t take over my experience anymore. I get on with the enjoyment of life in the moment. This is what’s possible for all of us. 

How to begin? Carefully, with curiosity and care, fueled by the the desire to be free of these patterns.

Then love what you experience with all your heart.

Enter the realm of your body.

Notice the tide of your breath rising and falling – and the light coming from your heart. This is a journey of the sacred. We will re-imagine your preconceived notion of your body and enter with fresh curiosity and awe.

Let’s explore your body together – your belly, your heart, your cranium – surrender the incessant thoughts of your mind into the flowing song of Being.

Even if we are not used to receiving support, there are people who would like to support you – if we are open to receiving it. Allow yourself to receive.
The importance of connection and sharing in a supportive community.
What happens in your body when you feel heard, seen, listened to, understood and cared about? For most of us, we breathe a sigh of deep relief, our energy rises and we feel better. This is what I hope for all of us – in our work together one-on-one, in an upcoming group program offering called – Emergence – Staying Close to Yourself and Being with Others – and when we are with those in our lives that we love and care about.

When we come upon blocks in our day-to-day life and things feel hard, we want to slow down ask ourselves what do I need in my life and can we imagine it exactly. Slow down, ask yourself and imagine – what do I need right now?

Sometimes our day-to-day life can knock us out of our own rhythm – maybe that is happening for you? What is taking you out of your own rhythm and what needs to change to allow yourself to feel more ease? 
Take some inspiration to take action towards the life that calls you.

Let’s gather to empower each other’s leadership in the world.

The science shows that we are bottom-up beings – meaning that 80% of the informational messages sent through the vagus nerve are from Body to Brain and only 20% from Brain to Body. 

The wisdom of the body will always trump our thoughts.

Here’s to supportive connection, somatic healing and evolving into more joy. This group provides a safe and encouraging space for women to share their experiences and tap into their resiliency as women. All of our groups are designed to be inclusive of all belief systems and individual values, creating a non-judgmental, supportive and confidential environment.
This group process bringing together a Body of Work that you will experience and be changed by, if you are willing to step forward towards a new experience for your whole being. You will move out of chronic stuckness and freeze, get an opportunity to feel your anger and express it and practice running away if you feel like fleeing. You don’t need to be fixed, you will be lovingly accepted as you are right now and know that the old ways of healing trauma – fixing ourselves never helped us and only made us feel worse.
I will meet you where you and your body are right now, so you can be more present to yourself and your life, and I will not go at a pace that does not resonate for you. You can’t fail at this.
Together, we will move through a Sacred Embodiment & Body First Signature process:

In the Emergence – Allowing Softness & Keeping Yourself Close – Embodiment, Connection & Nervous System Somatic Healing 7-Week Journey, we will delve into:

1) Connect and Be With Your Emotional Body 

– Get to know your physiology under trauma threat / fear states – learn about your body in fight, flight, freeze states – and begin to feel the effects of restoring regulation and safety in your nervous system.
-Polyvagal Theory – connecting with your energy and notice what you find there.
– Creating a safe container for the inner journey
– Connecting to Rituals that Support You

– Connecting to what lives inside
– Emotional tending, clearing and grounding
– Being where you are
– Opening to receive 
– Receive Intentional Touch Somatic Healing 
2) Go Deeper into the Body – A Process for Somatic & Attachment Trauma Healing, Nervous System Regulation, Intentional Touch

– Embodied Rest & Recovery- A Body-Focused Healing Process for Healing the Body/Mind Connection – Supporting various systems in your body to allow it heal at hte deepest levels.

– The cycle of life-death-life and the individuation journey
– Patriarchy and its shadow
– Divine Feminine consciousness & Inviting in the Feminine into Your Life
– Receive Intentional Touch Somatic Healing
3) Cultivate Self-Compassion Felt Deeply in the Body 

– We have all heard of it, but most of don’t experience the feeling of deeply felt self-compassion – we will practice this together – and you will practice this in-between sessions. This is a must for deep somatic healing.
– The Call to Come Home to yourself
– Inner critic and inner conflict
○ Recovery of power and personal authority 
○ Inner truth and boundaries
Trust, vulnerability, beauty and surrender
– Receive Intentional Touch Somatic Healing
4) Noticing & Being With What Your Body is Holding
Process deeply held emotions through the body – we will work with group field of emotion and tap into the dark emotions – anger, sadness, shame, heartbreak and practice working with these emotions together within the group field.
-Tending the Inner Well
– Beginning to Notice and Tend to What You Need
– Connecting and Holding Space for Sensations and Survival Energy Held in the Body – and Opening Space to Be Held
– Receive Intentional Touch Somatic Healing 
5) Cultivating a Connection with Your Younger Part 

When we are cut off from our bodies for fear of running into old pain, we also deny ourselves access to the child in us. We keep the child protected, but it’s more like solitary confinement as we learn to cope alone, cut off from the connections that are an essential part of life.

Your younger part is waiting for you to stop judging, alienating, blaming, and shaming them. Your younger part wants to be seen, heard, accepted, and loved as you are right now.

The first step is becoming aware that your hurt little self is inside you, and making an effort to see them. Move into your body, which is their body too, and both of you can learn to feel together. Show them that it is safe by providing them with the compassionate connection they needed when they experienced difficulties. Be the comforting, competent parent to them now they so desperately needed back then.
– Receive Intentional Touch Somatic Healing

6) Notice and Begin Healing Your Family Trauma Imprint – Healing practices for Your Mother Wound, Your Father Wound

Receive some healing words and phrases from your mother and father.

When we have rejected, judged, blamed or distanced ourselves from either parent the reverberations are felt within us as well. Pushing a parent away its akin to pushing away part(s) of ourselves.

We then begin to express their qualities unconsciously. Finding a way to bring our parents into our heart and bring the qualities that we have rejected in them (and in us) into our awareness.

There we can transform something difficult into something that can give us strength. By developing an inner relationship with the painful parts of ourselves – parts that we can have inherited from our family – we have the opportunity to feel and heal them.
– Receive Intentional Touch Somatic Healing

7) Embodied Recovery – Introduction to Movement, Breath and Sound Healing Through the Body

– Integrate deeply held reflexes – we will work to slowly integrate the reflexes related to fear paralysis.
– Receiving Intentional Touch Somatic Healing Practices

– Integration and absorption of the process and work

– Creating an ongoing practice

– Body-focused practices for in-between sessions.
– Receive Intentional Touch Somatic Healing

This is trauma healing work – on our own – and together. There are opportunities for connecting, deepening and embodying your true authentic self as we invite more silence to be able to deepen the voice of your soul.

In the safety of this sacred container, you will be deeply supported to explore and embrace both your soul life and spiritual life with sacred tools and practices you can use at home or whenever you need to access your connection.

During our work together, you will move towards more opportunities for nervous system regulation, have an opportunity to create safe attachment, recover primary reflexes, increase your window of tolerance and allow your body to release the stored bio-physiology of developmental trauma and traumatic life experiences.

I focus on supporting people to build their inner resources and self-awareness – so they can connect with their full aliveness – with ease.

What supports you to feel alive?

How can you begin to connect more deeply with yourself and therefore others?

Today, we have many habits or defensive accommodations – that keep us out of feeling. Many people didn’t get the opportunity to feel or sense their bodies and experience themselves in a healthy way – life circumstances interrupted that – so it can feel scary and very difficult to do.

We will be together to build capacity within your nervous system for feeling into your body for the first time and creating a new relationship with yourself. This takes some time.

I love supporting and guiding people in a deep, contemplative way through their inner waters and awareness to their origins – a remembering and expanding into awareness nature and the earth.

We will explore connecting with the deep joy and mystery of life.

Emotions are messengers, not facts. We are NOT our emotions.

When emotions drive our behavior, we do things we regret or go into self-protection mode.

When we learn how to witness our emotions, we see ourselves as separate from them. We become the witness experiencing emotions.

Then, we have choice and can act in alignment with our values.

Somatic healing invites in those who have become prisoners to a life lived in survival mode. It offers a reprieve so you can better understand the wisdom and inner workings of your nervous system.

Once your body begins to feel better, you’ll quickly accept that there is, in fact, nothing wrong with you. The way you feel, think, and behave, although perhaps seemingly self-destructive, has merely been an armoring of self-protection—a necessary response to a traumatic environment or experience.

Instead of self-criticism or defeat, you’ll begin to see that depression or anger or fear are natural, instinctual responses to an overwhelmed nervous system, merely trying to protect you. You are not broken and you do not need to be fixed. You just need to get back in the driver’s seat of your life and body. Let somatic healing free you from a settled life of survival.

Ready to begin your somatic journey?

With co-regulating somatic bodywork, we can finally heal and turn our hearts towards life in a new way. When we can welcome all parts of ourselves, a steadiness and soothing arrives that embraces all that we carry and all that we meet in our lives in the day-to-day. This advanced trauma specialization meets people with developmental and complex trauma in ways many of us had only dreamed of.

I am deeply honored to offer this attachment-based somatic support that:

  • gives us back our health
  • brings us into new relationship with the pains and pleasures we carry
  • helps us take up nourishment in body, mind and soul
  • re-connects us to our purpose, goals and desires
  • offers us choice and helps us advocate for what we want and need
  • reminds us of our worthiness and belonging
  • brings us home to ourselves and our bodies
  • helps us be more genuine and stand more fully in who we are
  • repairs our heavy hearts and helps them soften
  • shows us the strength of our boundaries and helps us feel powerful enough to use them
  • helps us breathe and move and sleep more easily
  • gives us the more that we’ve been wanting in ways that we never knew were possible
What are sessions like?

This advanced nervous system regulation modality called Transforming Experienced Brain and is a precise method that involves several protocols where we work directly with different systems in the body that are connected to the brain and central nervous system’s responses.

This connecting, gentle and present work can include:

  • you talking or being silent depending on what feels most alive for you in session
  • sharing about past, present or future and slowing down a lot together to meet what’s here in a resourced way
  • being welcome to bring all parts of yourself
  • hands-on or intentional support (can be done on a table in my office or intentionally on Zoom)
  • being guided for most or all of each session through the body-based and co-regulation protocol and sinking into support
  • trauma informed mindfulness and breathing practices
  • feeling a lot better – possibly beyond anything you’ve been able to imagine
When we haven’t received emotional regulation in our family of origin, we are living in survival mode.

What to Expect During a Whole Body Health Somatic Practice –
Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma Session

For true emotional and physical healing, we can’t leave our body and how it feels and responds, out of the process. Each person needs something very specific in their healing journey, which is why it is so important to have a customized approach with sessions that are specifically tailored for you – a combination of emotionally-focused psychotherapy and body-focused Transforming Touch, Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma.

Your body doesn’t have energy – it is energy. When we allow traumatic stress that is contained in our nervous system to begin to move through our system – flow begins to happen in our body and we feel more energetic, grounded, healthy and alive.

We explore our fluid bodies through the language of sensation, co-regulating touch,and  subtle movement. We have the opportunity of allowing time to slow down, to notice, let go and shed that which needs to shed, and to come through anew and refreshed.

For those who would like to focus on a body-focused, somatic approach, we begin by talking about your background, symptoms and history. We do this online and or in-person by sitting in chairs across from each other or you lie on your back on a table. When you are sitting in a chair, we can do some talk therapy, and you may also be asked if you are open to closing your eyes and noticing your feelings, emotions and body sensations that are happening for you in each moment.

For those who would like to do Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma Session – sessions consist of lying on a table with eyes closed – and I offer touch on several areas of the body: the head, stress organs, the belly, and joints in the body.

Therapeutic Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma is a gentle, backed-by-science method that enables qualified practitioners to work safely and ethically with the emotions stored in the tissues and organs of the body. It works to unlock and release emotional pain buried in the body, sometimes since before we born, in-utero, our early childhood and all way up to present day adult experience.

Using touch, we reset complex physiological systems and help harmonize energy flow in a person’s body. Often, we restore what was missing in the early years. Touch can give a client greater awareness of their body’s sensations and the ability to get to know themselves better from the inside out.

Bringing a compassionate presence to the body is another essential part of healing. It helps address the neural numbing, muscular bracing, and autonomic disorganization that are physiological by-products of grief, shame, anger, and fear.

Therapeutic touch works to heal the nervous system by providing an avenue for the body to process deep-rooted trauma and facilitate self-actualization. Through gentle, attuned touch, we can help to rebuild an underdeveloped nervous system that has been negatively impacted by early trauma.

Sessions are done fully clothed. Each session is one-hour, unless we are doing an extended session – and is unique depending on what you are experiencing on that day and would like to focus on during a session – we want to tune in and understand what’s really going on in your body – beyond pathology and diagnoses – to allow your body to move into a flow state, rather than to remain stuck in a stress response state – during the session and in the hours and days afterwards.

This work is support for you to feel more ease through deep embodiment, the immense gifts of slowing way down, how to lovingly hold and transform your story and become a master of our nervous system.

Our early developmental and attachment wounding is a wound with life itself. To an infant, our attachment with our mother is everything – our very experience of ourselves and of the world was filtered through the body and psyche of our mother.

As you heal, you begin to feel your core as goodness; to deeply know that you belong, to feel a oneness with life. You can feel an unshakeable love in your heart that becomes a stable background in your life. The greater empathy and compassion you feel for yourself extends to all beings and the earth itself.

I will hold you with kindness, deep respect and space to be with you as you are. This deep presence will shift our felt sense experience of whole body mental and physical health care. My approach is open, spacious and flexible. I look forward to inviting you in to my space.

There is a great longing in each of us to uncover the secrets and mysteries of our individual lives, to relate more deeply and to uncover what is unique and truthful within ourselves and related to others in our lives. I look forward to seeing you in the depths of soul nourishment, vulnerability and courage.

When we begin to unravel the layers of emotions and patterns and re-route neural pathways, we have to connect back to our physical selves. Trauma forces us out of our bodies. This is why the somatic approach works so well.

When we approach the human system in a holistic, regenerative, systemic way, we build a foundation that is solid and has more capacity to experience difficulty. Yes, we will experience stress, pain, and loss like all humans do, and we will bounce back.

Who would you be if you felt nourished and loving towards yourself every day? Say ‘yes’ to what feels nourishing, joyful and expansive.  Be ever so gentle with your heart.

Ready to take the next steps in your healing?

I warmly welcome you to reach out and connect with me.

love ~ Kim xoxoxo /

Whole Body Mental Health & Well-Being from the Inside Out.
Deep healing at the level of the nervous system enables you to explore and expand your inner landscape where self – confidence and inner agency reside. When you heal your nervous system, you can more readily access deeper ways of knowing and being that include intuition, imagination, sensuality, and the subtle body of emotions.

The POLYVAGAL THEORY – SAFE & SOUND PROTOCOL OFFERING – The Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) is an auditory listening intervention for adults and children – using headphones – that is intended to accelerate the effectiveness of other modalities by preparing each person’s emotional and physiological state. Dr. Stephen Porges (developer of The Safe & Sound Protocol & of The Polyvagal Theory) explains that we need a calm autonomic/physiological state for health, growth and restoration, and achieving this becomes the foundation of an effective therapy. 

The SAFE & SOUND PROTOCOL is a way to support a change  in your physiological state; opening the system to further neural change and improvement for other therapies that follow. The process is designed to reduce stress and auditory sensitivity while enhancing social engagement and resilience. The intervention uses prosodic vocal music that has been filtered to train the middle ear muscles to focus in on the frequency envelope of human speech. You’ll find you are better able to feel calm – less chronically stressed and/or anxious.  Clients who have experienced long-held trauma and are healing from PTSD, troubling chronic health concerns, chronic pain and troubling chronic emotional responses, can experience an increased sense of safety in their physiological state. The Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP)+ Co-Regulating Touch Trauma Resolution Bodywork = Somatic Healing

FEMININE EMBODIMENT – get in touch with your feminine energetic dynamics, internal felt sense, your deepest heart, masculine and feminine energies, layers of dissociation, practice pleasure practices that can help you unravel pleasure and sensuality, heal the survival responses and defensive accommodations that keep us out of connection. Explore somatic blocks to expansion, heal chronic anxiety, illness and pain patterns, and have an open space to explore the deepest parts of yourself in relation to yourself, your work, your life and your relationships with others. This work happens on the table, in-person and online via Zoom. Let’s explore together – 

EMERGENCE – THE FEMININE WILD SOMATIC HEALING COLLECTIVE- Coming in October 2023 – NEW Online Group Community Healing Program – Somatic Trauma Resolution Healing Group Process for Women – Feel the Loving Support of Community – Nervous System Healing, Learn About Your Body, Discover the Awesome Power for Trauma Healing within the Feminine Body – Cultivating Conscious Trauma Healing – Come back to your body and feel into the Power of the Feminine. Movement, Breath, Sound, Body Awareness, Body Exploration, Healing. REGISTRATION IS OPEN NOW – $497.00 for the 7-Week Program. 

HEART HEALING INTENSIVE SESSIONS – Heart healing sessions are all about you, your path and healing. These can be monthly sessions or several sessions scheduled over a period of days to support you along your healing path.

My clients love this work, it is nourishing and gentle. It is wonderful for healing early developmental trauma, attachment repair and shifting to a more regulated place where the heart can freely open into abundance.

You may want to schedule these sessions as a focused time for letting go of all that you healing. Heart Healing sessions consist of combining several sessions over a short period of time. They are a great way to get out of your daily routine and be immersed in healing. We may meet for multiple sessions per day over a period of days. Since you will be out of your typical routine, this will give plenty of time for integration of the work and healing.

The Heart Healing Sessions are held in my office in Markham. You can schedule between several sessions over a period of days. Since this work is done away from your typical day to day life, integration of the work is deep and truly transformative.

I am sending softness, gentleness and love from my heart to yours. May you slow down and receive the wisdom your body is seeking to share with you breath by breath.

Let’s plan your sessions in advance – if you are interested in scheduling or have questions, please get in touch and we will make a plan for your visit – /

HEALING FAMILY TRAUMA IMPRINT – 90-minute – in-person or online Zoom session – an opportunity to get to the roots of intergenerational trauma patterns & begin a path towards relational & relationship healing.

DISCOVER YOUR INNER MOTHER– Healing the Mother Wound – uncover your hidden family dynamics and trauma history – this is an opportunity to strengthen your internal relationship with your inner your self – as well as your mother, father and extended family – in ways that contribute to healing – get in touch to schedule an online or in-person session – /

THE COUPLES SESSIONS- Awaken in Relationship – Being Present to the Relational Wounding and the Pain We Carry – Ongoing Bi-Weekly or Monthly Sessions for Couples (online or in-person) – Learn to Process Deeply Held Emotion, check-in with each other regularly and learn to communicate from the heart and to connect deeply with one another again or for the first time.

1) Be with Relational Wounding when it shows up in your relationship
2) Be with and face Hot Button issues when they arise and cause conflict
3) Take 100% responsibility for yourself in your relationship.

Our feelings, bodily sensations and relational patterns are clues to what is being held in the unconscious – so we must be present to them. Conflict can give us the opportunity to awaken out of the conditioning that we are a separate, disconnected self.  Get in touch to learn more and work together – /

HEALING CODEPENDENT PATTERNS IN RELATIONSHIPS – healing through the body for codependent patterns in relationships – healing from resentment, blame, shame and addictive patterns – nurturing your inner child – learning your needs in relationships – and finding ease in the body, mind and heart for longstanding conditioned patterns.

SESSIONS FOR INDIVIDUALS & COUPLES – Relational Neurobiological Somatic Healing -an Embodied invitation for you – to slow down and feel the strength of a supportive resource, move beyond blame and notice how our nervous system states inform our interactions with our partner, feel present in your body, to unwind patterns of anxiety, depression, anger, hopelessness, chronic stress & pain, trauma, regulate your nervous system, to cultivate trust in your moment-to-moment experience, your naturally wise heart, and your capacity to connect to yourself, those you love and the love that surrounds us.

Get in touch to learn more about The Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP), Embodied Recovery, Nurture Surround & Family Systems Imprint Sessions & Individual Body-Focused Therapy Sessions, and Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma, NeuroAffective Touch – The Anxiety, Stress & Trauma Restorative Clinic – in-person  and/or online – and to set up a time to work together:

Using mind-body skills to stabilize your nervous system – befriending, grounding, slowing down, tracking and resourcing. We will listen to your body’s narrative while utilizing body-mind emotion dialogue. We will explore biological survival strategies and process historical trauma by creating moment-to-moment interpersonal experiences of safe connection. We will utilize non-cognitive senses of relational connection – auditory, visual, movement, and touch – co-creating manageable ways to defuse internal feelings of pressure, anxiety and stress.

The Anxiety, Stress & Trauma Restorative Clinic:
Creating Well-Being Through Nervous System Regulation.
Heal Relational Trauma – Break the Cycle of Inherited Family Trauma.
Nurturing Connection, Restoration & Building Resilience.

Easing the Body ~ Calming the Mind ~ Opening the Heart.
Somatic Experiencing ~ Somatic Practices ~ Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma ~ Movement Practices ~ Whole Body Systems Approach for Healing Inflammation.
Move Energy Through the Body – Movement & Breathwork – discover energetic awareness and simplicity.
Somatic Reclaiming – integrating your body, mind and heart.
Pre and Perinatal Therapies – consciousness begins before birth.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy – restore integrity in our living, fluid body.

Somatic Healing work can be done effectively online, as well as in person – online sessions are available for those who would prefer not to come in to the office at this time, for those who live far away from the office, or prefer to work from your own home –

Working together enables everyone who is willing to do the work an opportunity to decrease feelings of anxiety, pain, depression, chronic stress, pain or illness – as well decrease the chatter in the mind, and ground your mind and body with the depth of the intelligence found in the body. Experience lasting somatic transformation and feelings of calm, peace and wholeness – within your own body and within your relationships.

You will learn to feel and by doing so, you will move towards whole body health and well-being that you can feel within you.

Get in touch to learn more about working with me – /

Feedback from a recent client:
You bring together so many supportive modalities and approaches and I have felt very expansive, grounded and alive.

“At the center of all of my sorrows, I have felt a presence that was not mine alone.” ~ Susan Griffin