“When you reach your edge, soften. Soften until you slip through the constraints and can create a new rhythm, a new route, a new release. Water is soft yet powerful. Reach your edge, and soften.” ~ Victoria Erickson
We will take time to really see you – not just your emotional or physical responses, diagnosis or history – and delve deeply into what may be causing the patterned and/or defensive responses in your body and mind – that may not be conscious to you – so your body can begin to unwind its’ patterns and heal.
The body holds the information that can lead us towards the change we long for in our lives. Together, we use the body as a tool for heightening awareness, deepening emotional intelligence, and noticing the sensations and feelings that need to be processed and expressed.
When we slow down and create a dialogue with your body – we create an opening towards a somatic process of healing. We often cannot find the support we need in our health care system to get to the roots of our emotional and physical concerns – so now is the time for something new. This is an invitation for your body to receive nurturing, nourishing attuned care for your body, mind and heart – and to rest into an experience of acceptance, support and touch.
If you are struggling with difficult emotions – feelings of anxiety, stress or overwhelm and physical symptoms held in your physiology, such as, chronic illness or chronic pain – allow your body to release the energy that it is holding – and your feelings and stubborn symptoms will begin to shift.
It is more important than ever to notice and understand the rhythm of your own body, instead of trying to figure it all out from your mind alone. When you can move through your narrative – the story that keeps you stuck – and allow your body to be as it is right now – noticing what is happening for you from a deeper place within you – deep change can happen from within.
Some of the reasons for the trauma that we hold in our body are known to us – such as: divorce, surgery, illness, childhood injury, death of a loved one, or a major medical diagnosis. Other trauma that happens to us is hidden from our awareness including: early developmental trauma, intergenerational trauma and pre and peri natal trauma. We will work with all that is happening for you – what is known and what is unseen and hidden. Trauma can result in a decreased ability to feel satisfaction in our relationships, families and/or careers – and can prevent us from feeling emotional or physical pleasure. Its effects are surprisingly enduring.
The work we do together is focused on getting in touch with feelings and sensations that are happening in your body – and sometimes this can feel too much for us to be with on our own. We will go slowly – increasing tolerance for difficult bodily sensations and emotions, you’ll increase your capacity for nervous system regulation – allowing your emotional reactions and physical symptoms to soften over time.
Tools to Create Feelings of Safety in Your Body
Somatic Experiencing™ (SE), Co-Regulating Bodywork for Trauma and NeuroAffective Touch are fascinating, body-oriented approaches to healing of early developmental trauma, shock trauma, chronic pain and illness other chronic stress states.
These body-focused approaches are the result of decades of research of stress physiology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices and medical biophysics.
Somatic Experiencing (SE) – tells us that it’s not the event that caused the trauma, it’s the unaddressed ‘overwhelm’ response. Using a framework to determine where you’re stuck within the fight/flight/freeze response, SE will gradually help increase your tolerance for difficult bodily sensations and suppressed emotions.
An Integrative, Relational Somatic Approach
Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma & Integrative Relational Somatic Therapy – provides healing for these symptoms and many others:
- Chronic Stress, Anxiety, Panic and Depression
- Chronic Illness & Health Concerns – Fibromyalagia, Nightmares, Autoimmune Conditions, Kidney Disorders, Allergies, Acne, Chronic Pain, Breathing Disorders, Migraines, Chronic Headaches and Neck Pain, ADHD, Crohn’s Disease and Colitis, Female Sexual Dysfunction and Concerns, Menopause Symptoms and Aging Concerns, Sleep Disruption, Eczema, High Blood Pressure and Self-Injury.
- Trauma (Complex PTSD, Early Developmental & Complex Trauma)
- Shock Trauma from All Accidents including Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Dissociation & Chronic Freeze State
- Grief, Heartbreak & Loss
- Chronic Relational Breakdown, Attachment Disruption & Codependent Behaviours
- Hypervigilance & Obsessive Behaviours
- Eating Disorders & Substance Abuse
- Neglect, Abuse & Sexual Abuse
- Postpartum Symptoms
With a somatic approach to whole body/mind health – helping to ease emotions and stress, reducing feelings of overwhelm and overthinking. I will help you resolve anxiety, trauma, addiction, pain and eating disorders with an integrated approach rooted in somatic psychotherapy – helping you feel better.
A gentle, somatic practice, compassionately and safely treats trauma and stored stress reactions, fight/flight/freeze patterns, self-defeating behaviours – restoring a sense of joy, freedom, ease, balance, happiness.
Somatic Experiencing and Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma have changed everything about the way I work – and how I live my own life. This new awareness of how trauma and stress physiology affects every part of our lives is life changing. I see what happens for those I work with – and I know that you too, can experience lightness, aliveness and joy.
My approach is relational, experiential, deep and embodied – helping you increase your capacity to be present with difficult feelings and emotions, and getting to the roots of what is troubling you.
I will share whole body health-focused processes designed to help you notice your thoughts, constriction and expansion in the body, energetic vibration, and what’s being reflected in the outer world that may be mirroring the inner world.
What to Expect During a Session
To begin, we go slowly. Attuning to your experience – what is happening in your body and what cannot be seen on the surface – with an understanding that there are parts of us that may be hidden due to hidden trauma – and that need a slow, nurturing pace to feel safe.
For true and deep emotional and physical healing, we can’t leave our body and how it feels and responds, out of the process. Each person needs something very specific in their healing journey, which is why it is so important to have a customized approach with sessions that are specifically tailored for you.
Your body doesn’t have energy – it is energy. When we allow traumatic stress that is contained in our nervous system to begin to move through our system – flow begins to happen in our body and we feel more energetic, grounded, healthy and alive.
For those who would like to focus on a body-focused, somatic approach, we can do this by sitting in chairs across from each other or where you are lying on a table. When you are sitting in a chair, we can do some talk therapy, and you may also be asked if you are open to closing your eyes and noticing your feelings, emotions and body sensations that are happening for you in each moment.
For those who would like to do Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma – sessions consist of lying on a table with eyes closed – and I offer touch on several areas of the body: the head, stress organs, the belly, muscles, organs and joints in the body. There may also be some movement involved. Sessions are done fully clothed.
Each session is one-hour unless we are doing an extended session – and is unique depending on what you are experiencing on that day and would like to focus on during a session – we want to tune in and understand what’s really going on in your body – beyond pathology and diagnoses – to allow your body to move into a flow state, rather than to remain stuck in a stress response state – during the session and in the hours and days afterwards. healing hidden trauma
Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma sessions allow you to befriend the sensations of your body, and to notice what you feel, sense and notice within when you do. We will invite ease and support into your nervous system and body – providing nurturing comfort and care. Each session builds upon itself – you develop a sacred container for emotions to arise and build resilience in the nervous system, which in turn affects how you feel about yourself and how your energy flows.
This body-based method helps you heal physical, emotional and psychological shock states, early developmental trauma states, chronic stress and long-held trauma. It works directly with the autonomic nervous system to discharge stress and trauma and balance and restore equilibrium.
Prior to coming to your first session, you will need to fill in some paperwork and bring it with you to your first session to give me a sense of what is happening for you right now in your body, mind and heart.
Using an embodied, relational, somatic and mindful approach with attention to the body, mind and heart – I will help you understand your behaviours and physical symptoms, so they can be relieved in a more permanent way. healing hidden trauma
Together, we will attend to you as a whole person – a nurturing, whole-body health approach – uncovering the impact of the past and of your daily choices on your body – as an emotional and physical being.
You will understand your emotional patterns, behaviours, and thoughts about yourself and others, and how these have shaped the ways that you are currently relating to others. In time, you can strengthen your sense of self which will help to increase your self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-awareness.
This is transformational work – an opportunity to slow down and listen deeply to yourself – so you can heal past trauma, cultivate feelings of safety within yourself, and time to listen to your authentic wisdom and the truth of who you are.
You will feel and make sense of all of your emotions including – sadness, anxiety, anger, fear, doubt, confusion, along with happiness and joy.
Focusing on clear, authentic communication, consistent sessions, and being committed to your process will help develop a deeper sense of trust in your therapy, which is vital to your expressing yourself in all of your fullness.
Become Unstuck from the Past
By renegotiating unhealthy reactions and patterns, the way your nervous system works will become more regulated and more resilient. You will no longer be stuck in the past. From this, freedom comes.
Establish a dialogue between your mind, body, and heart. Heal long-held trauma and let go of what no longer serves you – and begin to feel hopeful and light inside yourself again or for the first time.
Many clients who come to see me, have tried everything to feel better – and nothing has brought lasting relief from what they are experiencing. I’ve seen many clients experience symptoms and struggles of not being able to find and stay in a healthy loving partnership, or struggle with anxiety, overwhelm or panic attacks, disordered eating, or with depression that gets worse around the holidays each year, but often these symptoms are not seen for what they may actually be: extensions of a hidden trauma history that’s unacknowledged and underprocessed.
This body-focused, hands-on somatic work goes beyond your thoughts and mind and works deeply in the systems and organs of the body – to promote long-term healing and change.
Life can and does present all of us with some form of suffering. Imagine being able to heal and release trauma, fully, without delving into the old stories. Finding freedom from your family’s destructive and limiting patterns. Finally finding deep peace with your past, allowing it no claim on your future. Imagine knowing you have the capacity to expand and achieve lasting success and impact for yourself and your work in the world.
Reconnect with the most basic facts of living and discover the support of this moment. When we are truly able to receive, while remaining sensitive and open, we can meet our heightened uncertainties – and open up rather than shutting down or spinning out. Lived with such awareness, each moment can become a refuge from the storm.
This work is for you – and for your families and children too – and it helps each person come back to themselves – and feel themselves again and again – and it takes time.
I’ll be waiting for you.
Life feels better when our nervous system is regulated and we feel safe and connected to ourselves– deep in the core of our being. Let’s talk about your experience and how I can support you – so you can begin to feel better in your body – and I will answer any questions you may have about working together.
I look forward to being with you.
with love Kim xoxoxo
hello@s3p.d51.myftpupload.com / www.s3p.d51.myftpupload.com
Whole Body Health & Well-Being from the Inside Out.
Deep healing at the level of the nervous system enables you to explore and expand your inner landscape where self – confidence and inner agency reside. When you heal your nervous system, you can more readily access deeper ways of knowing and being that include intuition, imagination, sensuality, and the subtle body of emotions.
Get in touch to learn more about working with me – hello@s3p.d51.myftpupload.com / www.s3p.d51.myftpupload.com
What to Expect During a Whole Body Health Somatic Practice Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma Session
For true emotional and physical healing, we can’t leave our body and how it feels and responds, out of the process. Each person needs something very specific in their healing journey, which is why it is so important to have a customized approach with sessions that are specifically tailored for you – a combination of emotionally-focused psychotherapy and body-focused Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma.
Your body doesn’t have energy – it is energy. When we allow traumatic stress that is contained in our nervous system to begin to move through our system – flow begins to happen in our body and we feel more energetic, grounded, healthy and alive.
We explore our fluid bodies through the language of sensation, co-regulating touch,and subtle movement. We have the opportunity of allowing time to slow down, to notice, let go and shed that which needs to shed, and to come through anew and refreshed.
For those who would like to focus on a body-focused, somatic approach, we begin by talking about your background, symptoms and history. We do this online and or in-person by sitting in chairs across from each other or you lie on your back on a table. When you are sitting in a chair, we can do some talk therapy, and you may also be asked if you are open to closing your eyes and noticing your feelings, emotions and body sensations that are happening for you in each moment.
For those who would like to do Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma Sesssion – sessions consist of lying on a table with eyes closed – and I offer touch on several areas of the body: the head, stress organs, the belly, and joints in the body.
Sessions are done fully clothed. Each session is one-hour, unless we are doing an extended session – and is unique depending on what you are experiencing on that day and would like to focus on during a session – we want to tune in and understand what’s really going on in your body – beyond pathology and diagnoses – to allow your body to move into a flow state, rather than to remain stuck in a stress response state – during the session and in the hours and days afterwards.
Other Offerings – Nurture Surround Healing Session– 90-minute In-Person Allow yourself to slow down and experience deep healing. You are deeply supported on the table with weighted blankets, soft pillows and bean bags on your body – you choose what is most comfortable for you – providing soft, nurturing care – feeling supported and held – with choice. We will take time to attune to your body’s core needs and comfort at a deep level. Your needs are important. I will use a variety of touch skills with you – and invite you to place a hand wherever you would like to on your body – and to pause, slow down and notice what you feel.
Using mind-body skills to stabilize your nervous system – befriending, grounding, slowing down, tracking and resourcing. We will listen to your body’s narrative while utilizing body-mind emotion dialogue. We will explore biological survival strategies and process historical trauma by creating moment-to-moment interpersonal experiences of safe connection. We will utilize non-cognitive senses of relational connection – auditory, visual, movement, and touch – co-creating manageable ways to defuse internal feelings of pressure, anxiety and stress.
Family Trauma Imprint – 90-minute – in-person or online Zoom session – an opportunity to get to the roots of intergenerational trauma patterns & begin a path towards relational & relationship healing.
Discover Your Inner Mother – Healing the Mother Wound – uncover your family dynamics and trauma history – this is an opportunity to strengthen your internal relationship with your mother, father and extended family – in ways that contribute to healing – get in touch to schedule an online or in-person session – hello@s3p.d51.myftpupload.com / www.s3p.d51.myftpupload.com
Sessions for Individuals & Couples – an invitation for you – to slow down and feel the strength of a supportive resource, move beyond blame and notice how our nervous system states inform our interactions with our partner, feel present in your body, to unwind patterns of anxiety, depression, anger, hopelessness, chronic stress & pain, trauma, regulate your nervous system, to cultivate trust in your moment-to-moment experience, your naturally wise heart, and your capacity to connect to yourself, those you love and the love that surrounds us.
Somatic Body Learning & Practice and Somatic Experiencing Trauma Co-Regulating TouchBodywork for Trauma sessions are available for you now. Waking you up to Somatic Resilience & Regulation – the innate wisdom of your body, healing inherited trauma patterns, feeling yourself below the level of thought, and accessing your full beingness in flowing, fluid motion.
Get in touch to learn more about Nurture Surround & Family Systems Imprint Sessions & Individual Body-Focused Therapy Sessions, and Somatic Trauma Touch Work in The Somatic Sanctuary – The Anxiety, Stress & Trauma Restorative Clinic – in-person, online or a mix of the two – and to set up a time to work together: hello@s3p.d51.myftpupload.com
The Anxiety, Stress & Trauma Restorative Clinic:
Creating Well-Being Through Nervous System Regulation.
Heal Relational Trauma – Break the Cycle of Inherited Family Trauma.
Nurturing Connection, Restoration & Building Resilience.
Easing the Body ~ Calming the Mind ~ Opening the Heart.
Somatic Experiencing ~ Somatic Practices ~ Trauma Touch ~ Movement Practices ~ Whole Body Systems Approach for Healing Inflammation.
Somatic work can be done effectively online, as well as in person – online sessions are available for those who would prefer not to come in to the office at this time, for those who live far away from the office, or prefer to work from your own home – hello@s3p.d51.myftpupload.com
Working together enables everyone who is willing to do the work an opportunity to decrease feelings of anxiety, pain, depression, chronic stress, pain or illness – as well decrease the chatter in the mind, and ground your mind and body with the depth of the intelligence found in the body. Experience lasting somatic transformation and feelings of calm, peace and wholeness – within your own body and within your relationships.
You will learn to feel and by doing so, you will move towards whole body health and well-being that you can feel within you.
“Nothing in the world is as soft and yielding as water. Yet for dissolving the hard and the inflexible, nothing can surpass it. The soft overcomes the hard; the gentle overcomes the rigid” ~ Lao Tsu
www.s3p.d51.myftpupload.com / hello@s3p.d51.myftpupload.com