…and after everything, may there be room for you to branch out into a beautiful new beginning.
Welcome to the year of the wood snake – of shedding our old skin – surrendering what no longer fits for you – evolving, growing and healing.
In times of change, it can feel like we are moving along dark corridors in the middle of the night. Places and spaces where we are faced with the depths of our primal fears.
Fight? Run? Freeze?
Feeling the pain of what is actually here and now.
A moment to breathe. A moment to thank that which was. We rush to fill the gap. Afraid to be empty for a moment.
Yet. What if.
What if we began to allow ourselves to see, honour and know the deeper reason for the slow down. The point of what was. What is yet to become. The space between.
Nature has cycles. We have cycles. Relationships have cycles. Yet we rush to end. To fill. More more more.
What if less less less was the medicine required to fully know?
To fully allow an unfolding of what is truly waiting for us. The medicine of change. Not something to be rushed, but something to be with in the moment-to-moment, breath-by-breath experience.
To learn to move through the darkest of nights, we must pay attention to our bodies. To move the stagnation. Shift through what was…what could be…to pause. To breathe.
Can you learn to move with the smallest of steps with the Void that is the change?
Trauma is a silent thief, robbing us of vitality, connection, and inner peace. Its effects are often deeply rooted in our nervous system, where the body’s natural ability to heal becomes stuck in a cycle of dysregulation.
When faced with overwhelming stress, your body instinctively responds with fight, flight, or freeze.
While the first two are widely recognized, the freeze response often goes unnoticed.
Especially the Freeze – Shame Bind.
This is the state where energy becomes trapped in your body—unresolved, unexpressed, and unprocessed.
Over time, this manifests as anxiety, disconnection, and even physical ailments.
Without the tools to release this frozen energy, you may feel stuck, unable to move forward no matter how much you try.
Unlocking the Body’s Healing Wisdom
Imagine feeling free from the grip of anxiety, reconnecting with your intuition, and finding clarity amidst life’s challenges.
Somatic Healing offers a pathway to this freedom by helping you gently release stored trauma and restore balance to your nervous system.
Through this approach, you can rediscover a sense of safety, connection, and ease in your body and life.
When you work with your body to heal trauma, the benefits ripple through every aspect of your life:
- Physical Health: Chronic tension and psychosomatic symptoms begin to resolve.
- Emotional Resilience: Difficult emotions become more tolerable, fostering stability and clarity.
- Relationships: With improved emotional regulation, you can engage more authentically with others.
- Spiritual Connection: Releasing trapped energy deepens your connection to yourself and the greater whole.
Consider the Polar Bear – when it experiences a life-threatening event, it instinctively shakes off the energy of the trauma once the danger has passed.
Humans, however, often suppress this natural process due to societal conditioning. Providing space for people to safely revisit and release their freeze response helps them complete this cycle, just as animals do in the wild.
Embodying Emotions for Healing – Your body holds the key to your healing.
Trauma isn’t just a story stored in your mind; it’s an experience imprinted in your body. By gently tuning into your physical sensations, you can access and release the energy trapped within you.
This embodied approach not only resolves trauma but also improves cognitive, emotional, and behavioral well-being.
A Path to Freedom – Trauma Healing Is the Gateway to Wholeness
Healing trauma is not about fixing something broken—it’s about rediscovering the wholeness that has always been within you.
Through the lens of Somatic Healing, trauma is no longer a life sentence but an invitation to transform and grow.
By working with your body’s innate intelligence, you can release the past and step into a future filled with clarity, connection, and empowerment.
The process of Somatic Healing, you have the power to reclaim your vitality and move forward with confidence.
Healing starts in your body, and your journey to wholeness begins with a single step.
Are you ready to take it?
Imagine how much easier, happier, and more fulfilling your relationships could be if someone you care about—someone who struggles with the weight of unprocessed trauma—had access to these tools for healing.
When someone releases their past pain, it ripples into the lives of everyone around them. Healing isn’t just personal; it’s relational.
Together, we can create a world where everyone has access to the wisdom their body holds and the tools to reclaim their wholeness.
The Way Out is Understanding The Way In…
Restoring physiological and psychological resiliency is the way out of chaos and the way in to feeling alive and experiencing more compassion.
It allows you to step out of being driven by underlying physiological dysregulation and in to the ability to act in the here and now. Once you understand the influence your natural, biological systems have on your reactions, beliefs and behaviors you can more accurately address what is needed to support the return of resiliency.
The restoration of resiliency is a natural process; we naturally move towards a reconnection with our innate sense of rightness. Just as our body knows how to heal from a physical wound, we also have the capacity to heal from other wounds. We know the way out of feeling stuck in the past and in to feeling resilient and responsive in the present.
Reinstating the ability to move naturally between the experiences of pleasant and unpleasant, constriction and expansion promotes profound shifts out of the feeling of stuckness and can lead to transformative relief. When this is coupled with a renegotiation of incomplete safety and threat signals, resiliency increases and a new sense of aliveness can arise.
Freedom to Live FullyWhen life feels uncertain or overwhelming, our reactive brain—the part wired for survival—tries to wrestle control. But creativity, clarity, and vision come from another part of us—the part that thrives on imagination and intention.
Living intentionally doesn’t mean having all the answers. It means leaning into what feels good, savoring the present, and trusting that when we reconnect with our creative selves, the next steps will reveal themselves. And this isn’t “woo-woo”—it’s science.
The amygdala is awesome at handling immediate, short-term threats. But it’s not built for navigating long-term stress or uncertainty. You can’t punch a lawsuit in the face, or speed up your Monday commute by yelling. You have to engage your prefrontal cortex—the part of your brain that gets curious, and solution-oriented.
What might your year be like, if in each moment you chose love?
And even if you can’t make that choice – because for all of us there are times when that feels impossible – it doesn’t make you any less deserving and worthy of love.
Go slow. Be kind. Choose love.
Who benefits from Somatic Experiencing & Somatic Healing Bodywork Touch Practice?
SE® is designed to be effective for people who have experienced the following types of traumatic events:
Medical trauma including anesthesia
Physical injuries, including sports injuries
Relational injury (and attachment trauma)
Emotional abuse, including narcissistic abuse
Physical abuse
Sexual abuse
CPTSD (early developmental trauma – hidden trauma from childhood)
- Auto accidents
“Startle” and “Protect” physiological patterns
When someone has experienced a traumatic event, or ongoing relational events as in childhood, a person’s physiology can stay in a “startle” pattern which includes bracing throughout the system or a “protect” pattern which includes contractions throughout the system.
A person might be aware that they, for example, clench their teeth or hands, or hold their breath. Or they might round their shoulders forwards and they may feel constriction in their throat or chest and tightness in their belly. Sometimes they have chronic digestive issues—either constipation or extremely loose bowels. Or they have back, neck or shoulder pain. These muscular habits of hypervigilance show up throughout their entire physiology— but they may just feel it as “normal” for them. But all of this can be part of the same nervous system pattern.
Seemingly normal habits like nail biting or constant foot swinging or tapping is the nervous system’s attempt to self soothe and self regulate. Usually there is deeper physical “holding” on the musculoskeletal level throughout the person’s system.
This method works with people who experience musculoskeletal patterns of anxiety and hypervigilance, or bracing and contracting.
Being with the Body to Release Trauma
If someone has had an auto accident, they likely hold muscle tension patterns from the experience. In such an experience we often have powerful energy build up. Our nervous system naturally gathers all it’s power and looks for ways to flee or engage in fighting against impact. That powerful energy surge is thwarted and becomes stuck in the joints or muscles. This is a common cause for neck pain or things like frozen shoulder, on top of any physical injury that occurred.
In SE® we begin a slow process to revisit the experience from within the sensations of the physical body — beginning with resourcing each person until it’s clear they have the capacity to touch into the different pieces of the event. We work with nervous system regulation techniques so that they aren’t re-traumatized as we approach significant moments that make up the event.
The nervous system processes at a very…very… slow… pace. We go at a pace that the sensory part of the brain can accommodate, and so that the brain can re-experience small pieces of the event. And this time, re-experiencing it in resourced, manageable way, the body is successful in finally moving that stuck, thwarted energy, either through physical movement or doing something differently and in a more resourced conscious way in the imagination.
Because our brain doesn’t know the difference between what actually happened in the past and our imagination in the present, it can reprocess this information sensorily and muscles can finally relax and let go permanently.
Discharge of Energy
Often clients will have the discharge that their body’s didn’t get the chance to have the first time around. Discharge can include crying for no apparent reason, shaking, shivering, trembling, yawning, or deep sighs. This discharge is what animals are able to experience naturally in the wild after a big chase. They move this powerful fight-flight energy through their bodies vs storing it as anxiety. You rarely hear about a stressed out tiger!
Do you feel your inner light has dimmed? Do you feel less vibrant than before? That you’ve lost some of your feminine power?
Perhaps you feel the weight of past traumas that never seem to release their hold over you.
If you are in search of powerful healing, and you want to restore your feminine power, Somatic Healing will show you how.
Therapeutic Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma is a gentle, backed-by-science method that enables qualified practitioners to work safely and ethically with the emotions stored in the tissues and organs of the body. It works to unlock and release emotional pain buried in the body, sometimes since before we born, in-utero, our early childhood and all way up to present day adult experience.
Using touch, we reset complex physiological systems and help harmonize energy flow in a person’s body. Often, we restore what was missing in the early years. Touch can give you a greater awareness of your body’s sensations and the ability to get to know yourself better from the inside out.
Bringing a compassionate presence to the body is another essential part of healing. It helps address the neural numbing, muscular bracing, and autonomic disorganization that are physiological by-products of grief, shame, anger, and fear.
Therapeutic touch works to heal the nervous system by providing an avenue for the body to process deep-rooted trauma and facilitate self-actualization. Through gentle, attuned touch, we can help to rebuild an underdeveloped nervous system that has been negatively impacted by early trauma.
Sessions happen fully clothed. Each session is one-hour, unless we are doing an extended session – and is unique depending on what you are experiencing on that day and would like to focus on during a session – we want to tune in and understand what’s really going on in your body – beyond pathology and diagnoses – to allow your body to move into a flow state, rather than to remain stuck in a stress response state – during the session and in the hours and days afterwards.
This work is support for you to feel more ease through deep embodiment, the immense gifts of slowing way down, how to lovingly hold and transform your story and become a master of our nervous system.
As you heal, you begin to feel your core as goodness; to deeply know that you belong, to feel a oneness with life. You can feel an unshakeable love in your heart that becomes a stable background in your life. The greater empathy and compassion you feel for yourself extends to all beings and the earth itself.
There is a great longing in each of us to uncover the secrets and mysteries of our individual lives, to relate more deeply and to uncover what is unique and truthful within ourselves and related to others in our lives. I look forward to seeing you in the depths of soul nourishment, vulnerability and courage.
When we begin to unravel the layers of emotions and patterns and re-route neural pathways, we have to connect back to our physical selves. Trauma forces us out of our bodies. This is why the somatic approach works so well.
When we approach the human system in a holistic, regenerative, systemic way, we build a foundation that is solid and has more capacity to experience difficulty. Yes, we will experience stress, pain, and loss like all humans do, and we will bounce back.
Ready to take the next steps in your healing?
Who would you be if you felt nourished and loving towards yourself every day? Say ‘yes’ to what feels nourishing, joyful and expansive. Be ever so gentle with your heart.
Working together is a deeply nourishing, supportive and intensive collaboration between us. My intention is to allow you to bring your whole self, to explore all the areas that feel hidden or stuck and to celebrate all the deep pleasure that can come from living in our bodies. I am here to listen to the wisdom of your magical body together.
Let’s welcome softness together this year – to make the most loving choices, and walk through the world from a place of deep permission to need what we need, to feel how we feel, to love the things we love, to be exactly how we are, and for wholeness to be here, right now, in this moment.
I will hold you with kindness, deep respect and space to be with you as you are. This deep presence will shift your felt sense experience of whole body mental and physical health care. My approach is open, spacious and flexible. I look forward to inviting you in to my space.
I have two openings available now for women who want to work together to build an emotional container of resilience and expand their nervous system capacity to be with all of their emotions.
As a Women’s Somatic Trauma Healing Guide, and Feldenkrais Movement, Continuum & Initiation Facilitator – I will support you with body-based approaches, parts work, inner child healing, healing co-dependent patterns, movement, patriarchal awareness, mother wound and father wound healing, shadow work and self compassion to support you in experiencing joyful aliveness, self-compassion, peace and deep care – for your body, mind and heart.
Whole Body Mental Health & Well-Being from the Inside Out.
Deep healing at the level of the nervous system enables you to explore and expand your inner landscape where self – confidence and inner agency reside. When you heal your nervous system, you can more readily access deeper ways of knowing and being that include intuition, imagination, sensuality, and the subtle body of emotions.
The POLYVAGAL THEORY – SAFE & SOUND PROTOCOL OFFERING – The Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP) is an auditory listening intervention for adults and children – using headphones – that is intended to accelerate the effectiveness of other modalities by preparing each person’s emotional and physiological state. Dr. Stephen Porges (developer of The Safe & Sound Protocol & of The Polyvagal Theory) explains that we need a calm autonomic/physiological state for health, growth and restoration, and achieving this becomes the foundation of an effective therapy.
The SAFE & SOUND PROTOCOL is a way to support a change in your physiological state; opening the system to further neural change and improvement for other therapies that follow. The process is designed to reduce stress and auditory sensitivity while enhancing social engagement and resilience. The intervention uses prosodic vocal music that has been filtered to train the middle ear muscles to focus in on the frequency envelope of human speech. You’ll find you are better able to feel calm – less chronically stressed and/or anxious. Clients who have experienced long-held trauma and are healing from PTSD, troubling chronic health concerns, chronic pain and troubling chronic emotional responses, can experience an increased sense of safety in their physiological state. The Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP)+ Co-Regulating Touch Trauma Resolution Bodywork = Somatic Healing
FEMININE EMBODIMENT – get in touch with your feminine energetic dynamics, internal felt sense, your deepest heart, masculine and feminine energies, layers of dissociation, practice pleasure practices that can help you unravel pleasure and sensuality, heal the survival responses and defensive accommodations that keep us out of connection. Explore somatic blocks to expansion, heal chronic anxiety, illness and pain patterns, and have an open space to explore the deepest parts of yourself in relation to yourself, your work, your life and your relationships with others. This work happens on the table, in-person and online via Zoom.
HEALING FAMILY TRAUMA IMPRINT – 90-minute – in-person or online Zoom session – an opportunity to get to the roots of intergenerational trauma patterns & begin a path towards relational & relationship healing.
DISCOVER YOUR INNER MOTHER– Healing the Mother Wound – uncover your hidden family dynamics and trauma history – this is an opportunity to strengthen your internal relationship with your inner your self – as well as your mother, father and extended family – in ways that contribute to receiving more abundance, intimacy, deep care and peace – get in touch to schedule an online or in-person session – www.kimcochrane.ca
HEART HEALING SOMATIC INTENSIVE SESSIONS – Heart Healing Somatic Intensive sessions are all about you, your path and healing. These can be monthly sessions or several sessions scheduled over a period of days to support you along your healing path.
My clients love this work, it is nourishing and gentle. It is wonderful for healing early developmental trauma, attachment repair and shifting to a more regulated place where the heart can freely open into abundance.
You may want to schedule these sessions as a focused time for letting go of all that you healing. Heart Healing sessions consist of combining several sessions over a short period of time. They are a great way to get out of your daily routine and be immersed in healing. We may meet for multiple sessions per day over a period of days. Since you will be out of your typical routine, this will give plenty of time for integration of the work and healing.
The Heart Healing Sessions are held in my office in Markham. You can schedule between several sessions over a period of days. Since this work is done away from your typical day to day life, integration of the work is deep and truly transformative.
I am sending softness, gentleness and love from my heart to yours. May you slow down and receive the wisdom your body is seeking to share with you breath by breath.
NERVOUS SYSTEM HEALING for COUPLES – (6 Session Package) Awaken in Relationship – Being Present to the Relational Wounding and the Pain We Carry – Ongoing Online Sessions for Couples – Learn to Process Deeply Held Emotion, check-in with each other regularly and learn to communicate from the heart and to connect deeply with one another again or for the first time.
Meet for a series of focused, online sessions to help uncover, understand and practice noticing ongoing nervous system triggers that keep you locked in a negative cycle of conflict / avoidance that is very difficult to resolve. Your early developmental trauma and co-dependent patterns are very much at play in your closest relationships and we can understand and work towards healing:
1) Your individual early developmental trauma patterns – what got missed or neglected and why.
2) Your individual nervous system patterns, responses and reactions – and how you can do your own healing work to soothe and ease your responses and pain.
3) How your family of origin plays a very significant role in your relationships now, how they do, and to work towards a healing program for your relationship, and for each person in the relationship.
4) Be with Relational Wounding & Defensive Accommodations when it shows up in your relationship – and how this effects emotional & physical intimacy.
5) Be with and Face Hot Button issues when they arise and cause conflict.
6) Take 100% responsibility for yourself in your relationship.
Our feelings, bodily sensations and relational patterns are clues to what is being held in the unconscious – so we must be present to them. Conflict can give us the opportunity to awaken out of the conditioning that we are a separate, disconnected self. Get in touch to learn more and work together – www.kimcochrane.ca
- Embrace Personal Responsibility: Understand self-sovereignty as the key to collective healing.
- Discover Your Soul’s Purpose: Explore how to step into the fullest expression of your soul’s purpose for this lifetime.
- Identify Self-Imposed Limitations: Recognize where and how you may be holding yourself back.
- Address Codependency: Identify codependent tendencies and distorted thought processes.
- Unearth Limiting Beliefs: Discover the origin points of limiting beliefs that prevent you from standing in your power.
- Balance Belonging and Authenticity: Balance your innate need for belonging while releasing fear-based ways of relating to others.
- Enhance Community Engagement: Learn to engage in your community and relationships more authentically.
Get in touch to learn more about The Safe & Sound Protocol (SSP), Embodied Recovery, Nurture Surround & Family Systems Imprint Sessions & Individual Body-Focused Therapy Sessions, and Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma, NeuroAffective Touch – The Anxiety, Stress & Trauma Restorative Clinic – in-person and/or online – and to set up a time to work together: www.kimcochrane.ca
“This work has helped me see what a blessing it is to be a woman! I feel alive, powerful, and embodied in a way I never have before.”
“This work has helped me to accept myself layer by layer, become curious about myself and life, and learn to feel joy again.”