Uncovering the Hidden Alarm in Your Nervous System & Moving Through Traumatic Stress Held in Your Body – Beyond Exhaustion, Sleeplessness, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Fatigue & Relational Struggles.

“Suddenly you just know:  it’s time to start something new and
trust the magic of beginnings.”~ Meister Eckhart
Feel grounded in your body – clear-headed, calm, rested, present and radically alive. Now is the time to stop ignoring what you’ve been feeling.
Most of our assumptions about healing in the body, mind and heart have outlived their usefulness. There is so much more to discover.
The body is the vessel in which the transformation process takes place. Get to the roots of chronic symptoms, pain, anxiety and relational struggles. Your body wants to heal itself – it just needs the appropriate conditions to do so.
When you are open and available to new ways of noticing what is happening deeply in your body – you can create a new map of safety in your nervous system – with deep, somatic work in the nervous system with Somatic Experiencing (SE) and Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma.
If you were raised believing that the world is a dangerous place, you don’t feel safe enough to be yourself. You can’t express your emotions. This creates toxicity in the system and affects your body on a deep, cellular level.
As adults, we may know theoretically that we are safe. It takes time and consistent experiences of safety for our nervous system to catch up and for us to have a felt sense of safety. In the somatic work of  Somatic Experiencing (SE) and Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma – the approach is a slow rebuilding. We are literally creating a map of safety and secure attachment that we didn’t have when we were young. 
Early wiring for safety and self-regulation and connection didn’t happen when we were children. There is a process to reliably create that wiring and rewrite your safety map over time.
This is our work together.
Many of our bodies are stuck in an alarm state – without us having any idea that this is the case. When you slow down and begin to notice what’s happening in your body – and begin to create a new internal safety map to ease your experience of anxiety, pain, fatigue, sleeplessness and chronic symptoms.
Deepen your capacity to embody and to observe your own somatic patterns and responses and the ways that you’ve been holding traumatic stress from the past that may be completely hidden to you now. You will begin to assess elements of psychophysical processing, stress patterns, emotional expression, and the regulation of your nervous system.
Our bodies are a living record of the life we’ve lived. Each story we’ve held tightly too, every thought, feeling and experience is stored within the muscles and tissues of our body. The rotation of a certain bone, a slight tilt to the head or an unusual gait are all chapters in the ever-changing story of who we are now and who we are in the process of becoming.
There is immense value in pausing to inquire what the body might be trying to tell us before we set out to correct it.
Too often what begins as an effort to support and care for ourselves more deeply can turn into an act of self-punishment. An unexpected injury or diagnosis can leave us overwhelmed with feelings of shame for not being better or healthier.
Listen deeply to understand what your body is trying to tell you. 
Notice your emotional posture – your way of dealing with and adapting to the ups and downs of your personal history – as well as a part of defense system.  Your emotional body uses muscle tension to keep feelings in and harm out. This is your body armour.
When we’ve been experiencing ongoing, chronic symptoms or chronic anxiety or depression – a feeling of detachment can set in—a sense of ‘I’ll never be normal again’. Things that used to be fun are now meaningless, as emotional numbness takes over. After a while, relationships suffer. Maintaining closeness can be incredibly difficult.
Many sufferers of trauma can relate. Symptoms can come up randomly and it can feel very confusing to make sense of them on your own. Some people may turn to alcohol, drugs, substances, or behavior that can cause self-harm.
If this sounds familiar – I can help.
I’ve dedicated my professional life to helping people understand themselves more fully, heal deeply in the nervous system and begin to feel more radiantly alive. This doesn’t happen overnight – it takes time and commitment from each person who wants to heal through the body.
Everyone is different, and everyone’s experience of trauma is also different. Trauma has a range of symptoms and causes, as well as having a range of triggers.
Just as trauma has a range of symptoms, I offer a range of somatic approaches that have been obtained through extensive training and experience – and customized for each person.
Some of my offerings include:
Somatic Experiencing (SE)

As the name suggests, trauma comes from a traumatic experience. Trauma body-focused therapy, investigates the root cause of that trauma—in a safe environment and without causing additional stress. By unlocking the root cause, trauma body-focused therapy works to heal and resolve past issues that contribute to current triggers, without needing to retell the story to heal from it.
Somatic Experiencing (SE) is aimed at relieving the chronic emotional and physical symptoms of trauma including: anxiety, depression, relational struggles, fatigue, chronic illness, chronic pain and sleeplessness. This body-focused work focused on the client’s perceived body sensations (or somatic experiences), and attempts to promote awareness and release physical tension that remains in the aftermath of trauma.
Sessions involve a client tracking their own experience. Somatic Experiencing is used for shock trauma in the short-term and for developmental trauma that may last months or years.
Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma
Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma is a gentle, hands-on approach that allows for tension to be released deep within the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance.
This work is very powerful. We follow what is asked for in the tissues – allowing the body to guide where it needs the most support. Turning towards and paying attention to the body, we allow the body to begin to re-map feelings of safety in the body and begin to let go of the holding patterns in the body that are no longer wanted or needed – allowing your body to return to its’ natural flow.
Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma for Therapy releases restrictions deep within the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole body health and performance.
By complementing the body’s natural healing processes, Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma is also a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster your immune system and is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction, including:
Chronic Pain
-Migraine Headaches
Motor-Coordination Impairments
-Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries
-Chronic Emotional Concerns such as: Anxiety, Depression and Panic
-Chronic Stress and Tension
-Fibromyalgia and other Connective-Tissue Disorders
-Neurovascular or Immune Disorders
-Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
-Post-Surgical Dysfunction
-Chronic Fatigue and Sleeplessness
-Relationship Struggles
Every day your body endures stresses and strains and your body absorbs them. Unfortunately, these changes often cause body tissues to tighten and distort our system. These distortions can then cause tension to form around the brain and spinal cord resulting in restrictions. This can create a barrier to the healthy performance of the autonomic nervous system, and potentially every other system it interacts with.
By supporting the important organs and systems in the body enhancing the body’s ability to heal itself – Co-Regulating Touch Bodywork for Trauma is able to alleviate a wide variety of dysfunctions, from chronic pain and sports injuries to stroke and neurological impairment.
Clients have reported that feelings of stress, pain and muscle tension decreases with body-focused somatic work. You will sleep better, feel better and increase your quality of life – along with boosting your immune system, moving fluids in the body to eliminate waste products and toxins.
Allow your body to return to the way it was meant to be, with all systems working harmoniously. 
As a somatic, holistic practitioner – I assess and work with clients and their chronic symptoms, emotions and syndromes. I am passionate about offering somatic interventions for anxiety, trauma, depression, relationship concerns, chronic health conditions and chronic pain – working specifically with each person in the areas of nervous system regulation, resilience and the impact of traumatic stress on our bodies.
We begin by setting an intention for ease in your nervous system – and get to the roots of what’s happening in your body, mind and health – your body wants to heal itself.
Get in touch – and let’s talk about your experience and how I can support you – and I will answer any questions you may have about working together.
with love from my heart, Kim xoxoxo
hello@s3p.d51.myftpupload.com / www.s3p.d51.myftpupload.com
Whole Body Health & Well-Being from the Inside Out.
Deep healing at the level of the nervous system enables you to explore and expand your inner landscape where self – confidence and inner agency reside. When you heal your nervous system, you can more readily access deeper ways of knowing and being that include intuition, imagination, sensuality, and the subtle body of emotions. Get in touch to learn more about working with me – hello@s3p.d51.myftpupload.com
3-Month Online Offering Cultivate Your Somatic Aliveness – access deeply held emotional, physical and relational concerns and focus deeply on you during this program. Starting with a one-hour introductory session, then a 1.5 hour family systems trauma session – to access and heal the roots of inherited family trauma that you are carrying with you and how it affects your health, relationships and work in the present day – then an additional 6 online sessions to help you access deeply held body holding patterns, somatic trauma and emotional patterns and integrating unconscious blocks to help you access your internal, somatic freedom. A total of 6 one-hour sessions, on Skype or Zoom, one 1.5 hour family trauma healing session, and homework to help access internal transformation from anxiety, depression, panic, trauma, stress, eating disorders, relational struggles, chronic illness or health concerns – get in touch to learn more – hello@s3p.d51.myftpupload.com 
Other Offerings – Family Systems Imprint – 90-minute Session – an in-person or virtual online Zoom session – an opportunity to get to the roots of intergenerational trauma patterns & begin a path towards relational & relationship healing.  Uncover your family dynamics and trauma history – this is an opportunity to strengthen your internal relationship with your mother, father and extended family – in ways that contribute to healing – get in touch to schedule an online or in-person session – hello@s3p.d51.myftpupload.com / www.s3p.d51.myftpupload.com
Sessions for Individuals & Couplesan invitation for you – to feel present in your body, to unwind patterns of anxiety, depression, anger, hopelessness, chronic stress & pain, trauma, regulate your nervous system, to cultivate trust in your moment-to-moment experience, your naturally wise heart, and your capacity to connect to yourself, those you love and the love that surrounds us.
Somatic Body Learning & Practice and Somatic Experiencing Trauma Touch sessions are available for you now. Waking you up to Somatic Resilience & Regulation – the innate wisdom of your body, healing inherited trauma patterns, feeling yourself below the level of thought, and accessing your full beingness in flowing, fluid motion. 

Get in touch to learn more about Family Systems Imprint Sessions & Individual Body-Focused Therapy Sessions, and Somatic Trauma Touch Work in The Somatic Sanctuary – The Anxiety, Stress & Trauma Restorative Clinic – in-person, online or a mix of the two – and to set up a time to work together:   hello@s3p.d51.myftpupload.com
The Anxiety, Stress & Trauma Restorative Clinic:
Creating Well-Being Through Nervous System Regulation.
Heal Relational Trauma – Break the Cycle of Inherited Family Trauma.
Nurturing Connection, Restoration & Building Resilience.

Easing the Body ~ Calming the Mind ~ Opening the Heart.
Somatic Experiencing ~ Somatic Practices ~ Trauma Touch ~ Movement Practices ~ Whole Body Systems Approach for Healing Inflammation.

Virtual, online sessions are available for those who travel regularly, have a busy schedule, live far away from the office, or prefer to work from your own home – hello@s3p.d51.myftpupload.com
Working together enables everyone who is willing to do the work an opportunity to decrease feelings of anxiety, pain, depression, chronic stress, pain or illness – as well decrease the chatter in the mind, and ground your mind and body with the depth of the intelligence found in the body. Experience lasting somatic transformation and feelings of calm, peace and wholeness – within your own body and within your relationships.
www.s3p.d51.myftpupload.com / hello@s3p.d51.myftpupload.com
Working deeply at the roots in the body – within the nervous system and stress organs – to cultivate and sustain embodied health and well-being for everyone who chooses to take part.
Talk. Touch. Move.
“When you listen generously to people they can hear the truth in themselves, often for the first time.”~ Rachel Naomi Remen