What I Want You to Know About Fear.

Fear whispers in your ear all day long – you’re not good enough, you’re not lovable, you’re not worth it.
Over time, your mind has created beliefs and stories about you and your life to keep you small, confused and stuck.
None of it is true.
Right now, you may be spinning in the confusion and stuckness that is fear.
Without realizing it, buried within the beliefs that you’ve relied on over the years, are the fears that can cause chaos for you during times of transition, growth & transformation.
Maybe you’ve experienced some or all of these fears about your: relationships, money, work, success, body/health or creating a life you love.
Here’s my fear story:
I used to live in a mind-created, mind-directed construction of reality, consumed by beliefs of how things should be.
I wasn’t in touch with who I really was – and instead – I was living a life that I had constructed in my mind – and doing what I believed I should be doing with my life.
Following all the rules.
Doing things that made ‘good sense’.
I was not connected to the deepest parts of myself and I wasn’t allowing myself to be guided by my heart.
I have learned to practice presence. To understand that my life is happening only in this moment – and to slow down and pay attention to my body and heart, so that I can feel my life is rising up to meet me.
I can’t control the future.
I have a daily practice of being present to the truth and wisdom of my experience – without getting caught up in what will happen next or what has happened before.
Breathing. Yoga. Meditation. Sharing my experience with others.
During my practice, I feel my emotions and difficulties and allow them to wash over me in each moment. I do not stay attached to them.
This allows me to be in the FLOW of life. Open and ready to receive life as it shows itself to me.
No matter what.
Instead of turning away, I turn toward my feelings – pain and joy and everything in between.
As I choose not to make meaning of my experience based on what has happened to me before, I am present to my experience. I choose not to make judgements or tell myself stories about it.
I am free to flow with what is actually happening in my life, not based on what has happened before.
As I sit with any difficult feelings of fear or pain – I feel the truth of my experience – I choose to meet my feelings and be with them, and I allow my fears to fall away.
I practice letting go of my story and the meaning I’ve attached to what happening for me – because I am no longer consumed by my beliefs of how things should be.
How about you?
Are you feeling consumed by your beliefs of how things should be, and find that you’re falling short?
Or no matter what you achieve, it doesn’t seem like enough?
What are you truly seeking?
The only thing that is real, solid and secure is your connection to the divine or to spirit – to what you truly believe in that is bigger than yourself. It is this faith that can provide you with a feeling of security, because nothing else truly can.
Without this feeling of connection, we may never truly feel that we are loved enough, that we have enough, or that we are enough.Without this faith, we may not feel true fulfillment regardless of how much money we have or how many things we fill our lives with.
I can feel peace and joy at any time – and I know how to access these feelings at any time – because these feelings are always within me.
What about you?
Would you like to refocus your feelings, thoughts and actions to reflect a new understanding of your life – empowered, and clear – while allowing your fear, distractions and self-doubt to fall away?
You MUST take a step.
I will help you untangle your beliefs & fears. I will support you so that you can access peace, love and joy no matter what.
Work with me – in-person, via Skype or in a workshop.