What’s Holding You Back?

The new year is now well underway.
We are in a new year, and yet much seems the same.
What holds you back from living what is deep within you?
From committing deeply to yourself?
We feel the same fears weighing down our hearts, the same stressors still tighten up our days, and the same worries crowd our minds.
And yet, still, it feels hard to turn towards yourself and live what is in your heart.
You may procrastinate about choosing the next step – the one that would actually make a difference, in part, because you feel too fearful or because others will not understand or because we believe we have time.
And here’s the thing – we don’t really know what time we have.
So in the crisp aliveness of this new morning I ask, what’s holding you back?
Why occupy yourself with what no longer serves you?
The main duty of your life is to learn what makes you fully come alive and live that life; to bring yourself to this life as if it mattered.
It does matter. You matter.
Why not take this very moment, the one we know for certain that we have, and choose a life that resonates with health, meaning, joy and clarity?
The time is now – this new year to show the world your special kind of magic.
It is the perfect time to live fully.
Two Upcoming Programs:
Deep Wisdom Healing Circle – 8-Week Small-Group, In-Person, Meditation, Movement & Sharing – Everyone is Welcome – Wednesday, February 4th to Wednesday, April 8th.
Break Free of Your Inner Glass Ceiling – A New Group & One-on-One Program – this program can be taken one-on-one with me at anytime or with a group – watch for a new group start date in February – sign-up for my newsletter for details.
For more information about my work & workshops:
[email protected]
Wishing you love & magic…