Midlife Transition & The Death of the Old Self
Is your old self dying? Are you experiencing a midlife transition?
Some of the symptoms include: confusion, feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, depression, fear, restlessness, boredom, and a loss of a sense of purpose or meaning.
Maybe you’re experiencing some of these symptoms right now, and you’re not sure what to make of them.
When you transition from the self you thought you were to the self you are experiencing now, there can be a mixture of feelings that you may never have experienced before.
From the ages of 40 to 65, many of us will navigate the emotional, psychological and spiritual dimensions of a midlife transition. This a challenging time, and can be emotionally overwhelming – difficult to make sense of on your own.
This experience is unlike any other that you’ve experienced because it requires something within you to die – the person who you’ve known yourself to be – and allow for the birth of who you could possibly become.
Many of us experience divorce or relationship struggles, feelings of loss of meaning in our lives, our work may feel less fulfilling, or we may experience an empty nest.
It’s often these experiences that act as a catalyst for us to re-examine what is happening for us in our lives now, and ask ourselves deeper questions about how we want our lives to be.
When we experience unexpected change we feel scared – unsure of our next step and how to move forward.
Many people wither within themselves, because they fear listening to their emotions & heart and following their true desires. Others don’t know what their hearts’ desire truly is – and don’t know how to take the first steps.
Working together, you will be supported through your midlife journey.
Through feelings of loss, confusion and struggle. We will allow the construct of who you currently are and the life you have created to fall away – and make way for something new to begin.
Allow your current struggles to guide you to rediscover what may have been hidden within you for the first half of your life – and to move beyond former obligations and definitions of what life has always meant for you.
This is a chance to step beyond the known, with someone who knows this territory, and can support you. Someone who can an act as a bridge to what’s next for you.
Within this moment there exists an opportunity for a fresh start.
Contact me for a free consultation to learn how we can work together toward new possibilities.
kim.cochrane@rogers.com or 647 222-3086