Everything Changes When You Commit To Yourself.

January 21, 2015

When you don’t feel good about yourself, it can be easy to turn away. To feel that you just aren’t worth your time and attention – to ignore yourself and what you need.

Something beautiful, transformative and healing happens when you choose to show up and commit to yourself — to be who you are, choose yourself and do what makes you feel good from the inside out.

When you decide to turn towards yourself and choose yourself – things feel different and begin to change for the better.

Showing up for yourself is a process of coming back to yourself again and again – of turning towards yourself – in pain and in joy – no matter what – with self-love, self-compassion and self-acceptance.

But how? Is that selfish?

In a word – NO. Not at all.

It means committing to your dreams – stepping out and doing what makes you feel good – rather than putting your dreams on hold for someone or something else.

It means committing to who you truly are, rather than who you think you should be.

Your self-worth is based on what’s happening within you, it’s not based on the acceptance of others.

You are unique, and you have everything you need to show up for yourself and choose yourself, even if you haven’t made a habit of doing this for yourself just yet.

It’s easy to get lost on your path. To lose yourself in a relationship, a job, or in your family.

Let’s come back to your centre. You are worth it.

When you commit to yourselfday after day – you begin to see that there is nothing outside of yourself that you need to find.

Even if you’ve spent your life believing that.

YOU are the treasure that you are seeking.

Nourish YOU first.

Be kind to your body with yoga, meditation, healthy food and movement.

Be kind to your mind by noticing your thoughts and self-judgement – begin saying kind things to yourself.

Your thoughts are powerful and when they are focused on being mean to yourself, that takes a heavy toll on you.

Be honest about the relationships you’re in – are you carrying the weight of your relationships because you want to be liked and loved, because you don’t want to cause conflict, or because you don’t want to rock the boat?

Is it time to release the beliefs about yourself that may be holding you back from what is true for you?

You can begin by learning to love yourself, no matter what.

It’s a practice.

You can begin this practice of committing to yourself and releasing what has happened before. It’s past and it does not have to have a hold on you now.

You may have turned away from your pain and your wounds, because you believed this was the only way to move on and to cope.

There’s another way.

Practice loving yourself.

Release the past and say yes to every part of yourself now.

Let go of who you’ve been and show up beautifully as you truly are NOW.

Claim your true power, strength and confidence, and know that it doesn’t come from anything external to you.

You are amazing.

Commit, let go of the past, clear the way for the truth and beauty within you, and live your radiant life!

I work with woman like you – who want to let go of their stories and commit to themselves.

Is it time for you to show up for yourself and live fully?

With love…

For more information about my work and workshops:
[email protected]
647 222-3086

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