What You Are Searching For is You.

You want to connect deeply to the real you – your truth – in the depths of all that you are. Grounded in the earth and your feminine nature.
Connected, joyful and free. Always.
You may be searching for something outside of you that you believe will bring you lasting happiness, but your peace can be found within.
Your gifts and talents are expressions of who you are, your love: your treasure.
As children, we went from naturally expressing ourselves to seeking to please our family and society. Along the way, we lost touch with ourselves.
There’s deep truth and wisdom that lies within you – you may have forgotten this in the years gone by.
You may have seen glimpses of it, but it doesn’t last, and you can’t seem to hold on to it.
You may feel called to reclaim the deepest truth of you and your experience – allowing yourself to unfold and to truly know your authentic being.
Let me remind you.
Of your beauty, grace, strength, courage, vulnerability, joy and peace.
What you are looking for outside of you in your relationships and accomplishments, can be found deep within you.
You may have forgotten the pathway. I have a map. I’ll show you the way back to yourself.
Beliefs, practices, inner wisdom and breath – the truth of you are can be found in those realms and sacred spaces.
The feeling that something is missing or that something doesn’t feel quite right or complete – that you’ve lost parts of yourself along the way, and you don’t know what to do to reclaim those lost parts.
Break free of the restrictions, suppression and constrictions, and come back and reclaim those important parts.
You will no longer have to squeeze yourself into a role, a life or a persona that no longer fits you.
Follow the pathways of the heart. Listen in the silence and you will begin to hear.
I will be your mirror and reflect your truth back to you – you will be amazed at what you will find.
Together, we will walk through the sacred doorway of your heart and pick up what you left behind.
Here are some elements to sink more deeply into:
– We are connected to everything & wonder maintains that connection – are you curious?
– Intuition connects us to our deeper truth & the desire to order and control everything can stifle it.
– What roles are you playing? Remembering our core self sustains us.
– Busy or engaged? Focused awareness awakens us.
– Spontaneity is essential to a satisfying life … and we must let go of an outcome.
– Moving out of our layers of image or persona allows us to discover our own voice.
– Finding what you truly believe in sustains you.
– The ability to know others is a gift – knowing who you are is a necessity.
We can unwind whatever has happened before and get to deepest truth of your experience.
Come home to yourself. Come back to your centre.
You are more than your accomplishments and relationships – and what exists in your external world.
The connection and wisdom that you are seeking, comes from the depths of your heart.
Is it time to get to know and love yourself in this way?
Inspiration connects you to the deepest parts of yourself – when you ignore it, you feel empty.
You are enough.
Are you ready to live into the depth and truth of yourself?
Let’s talk – [email protected] or 647 222-3086
Learn about my work and work with me – www.s3p.d51.myftpupload.com
Join in upcoming workshops and programs – https://kimcochrane.ca/workshops/
The Self-Love and Soul Freedom 10-Week One-on-One Program
The Yoga of Self-Love & Self-Acceptance – April 20th, 2015
The Yoga of Relationships – May 25th, 2015