At Midlife: Reclaiming Your Inner Fire

March 27, 2014

During the middle years of our lives, we begin to examine the state of our relationships, notice our aging parents and realize that our children may soon be leaving home. It’s at these emotional times that we may face feelings of aloneness or meaninglessness, and begin to question what life is all about.

Many of us try to ignore our new feelings and repress our desires for change. When we can no longer repress our feelings, our lifelong persona may begin to crumble, and chaos can erupt.

Midlife is a transitional stage — the experience is much like setting out to sea in a boat after being moored for a long time. Your ship has been safe in the harbour, but that’s not what ships are made for. In order to stay alive, to stay excited about life, we need to move out into choppy waters.

You may be feeling a roller coaster of emotions and you may be asking yourself, why is this happening to me? I’m scared and I don’t want to face the unknown. At some point it may occur to you that you no longer have a choice — that you are being called towards your own version of ‘choppy waters’ and you need to learn how to navigate yourself in a new way.

At midlife, we come face-to-face with our inner self. We must get in touch with and cleanse our emotions, sort out and renew our values, understand our thoughts and feelings, and begin to build new energies within us.

While it may not seem like it as you are going through midlife emotional challenges, within you is the ability to rekindle the passion and power for your life within your soul.

We must be willing to burn with passion, burn with ideas, and with desire for what you truly love. It’s in the creation of new and completely original things, new directions, and of a commitment to one’s life and work, that completely nourishes our wild soul.

We can learn to commit to ourselves deeply and to no longer place the blame of what’s happening in our lives on our partner or anyone else.

During midlfe and beyond, it is our defining task to continue to grow as a human being, and to make whatever journey is necessary to rekindle our inner passion within ourselves and for our lives.

Our journey is our own, but we don’t have to feel unsupported. We can make sense of your journey together and you need never feel alone.

[email protected] or 647 222-3086

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I've wanted to do this for a while and I'm so glad I did - I trust myself more now, I feel more calm and open - working together has changed the course of my life.
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