Living Deeply and Fully from Your Heart & Soul

April 27, 2014

A few weeks ago, I recommitted to my truth – and to living fully from the beauty of my heart & soul. It was a transformative experience – to be witnessed by a community of others, to be accepted for my truth, and to be encouraged to live that way. You can do this too.

What does it mean to live deeply and fully from your heart & soul? To listen to what’s true for you in your own heart, and to live your life according to what you hear. To follow your longings and truly commit to yourself.

Why don’t we do this? Because listening and living deeply from your soul may not be the way you learned to experience the world. You may have learned that listening to your heart and soul is not practical or it’s not what life is all about. You may have learned to turn away from what is true for you, and you may not even be aware that you are doing this.

Turning towards yourself and listening may seem scary. It’s about waking up to the beauty of your existence, no matter what. It’s the truth. Your truth, from the inside out.

Living from your soul requires you to try something new. Maybe you’ve created goals, and you’ve worked hard to achieve them. Good for you, you’ve achieved what you set out to achieve.

Living from your soul is different, it’s about living from the inside out.

Maybe you’ve been comfortable in your life, only to find that you are now feeling unsettled. Dissatisfied. Uneasy. Looking for ground underneath your feet. Your work no longer satisfies you. You are struggling in some of your relationships. Change may be calling to you, and it’s time to grow.


By looking deeply at what’s happening in your life.

By looking at the gifts within your struggle.
By taking time to get quiet and find your stillpoint.
To listen deeply to the rhythms in your heart, and the messages from your spirit.
When you listen deeply, you will begin to hear the deepest part of yourself.
The part of you that you may have ignored or turned away from in the past.

At first, when you are learning to listen to yourself, you may not be able to hear yourself. You may want to get some support to understand what your heart is trying to tell you. Sometimes, the messages from your heart are drowned out by the messages you learned from other people, and that may no longer fit for you.

It takes time to truly understand what your heart is telling you. When you begin to know, you will begin a new journey of living from the purest, calm and beautiful place within yourself. And all of the answers you’re looking for can be found there.

[email protected] or 647 222-3086


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