Opening to the Flow of the Feminine.

Opening to the flow of the the feminine means letting go of linear pathways.
Linear pathways are the old ways of shaping a career, a relationship – a life – around monetary, achievement-oriented goals – this is the unbalanced masculine model of success that has dominated our modern lives.
Linear pathways affect our mental, spiritual, and physical lives, and make us feel stuck, sick and exhausted.
In this striving-oriented model, you may work towards a specific goal, only to find that everything is pulled out from under your feet – your company closes, your relationship ends or someone passes away.
Success is measured by the achievement of these linear goals, rather than by the truth of what is happening for everyone in the relationship.
Ask yourself – How do you feel? What do you really want? What is meaningful for you? What really matters?
Relationships can fall into a rut of limited expression – such as a reliance on playing a ‘role’ in our relationship, and not being true to ourselves.
Regardless of the focus – linear pathways leave little flexibility for the natural cycles of living.
For example, what if you outgrow certain ways of being and doing and you want to make a change?
Is there room in your life for that?
A linear pathway is rarely sustainable because, by its nature, it requires constant propulsion rather than more cyclical or natural patterns.
A linear perspective, with its narrow definition of success, can lead to burnout or a sense of failure if our goals or not met.
You may feel quiet desperation, because there is never enough – never enough money, time, status or security. A feeling of depletion always underlies that day-to-day reality.
The intensity you may feel to achieve, strive and keep moving forward is rooted in an inner sense of insecurity.
The feeling inherent in linear models – the sense of not quite there and never quite enough – diminishes the ability to relax into joy or contentment.
Though you may declare that you want to enjoy your life, if your life structures and energy systems are built on linear models, you may find that the enjoyment is elusive or temporary – until you create a new energy structure to live from.
Within changing family and relationship dynamics, and when considering new models for living, the linear path is becoming less and less relevant. As various business, professional and even monetary models transform all around us, purely masculine or linear trajectory pathways or dissolving.
We can respond to this change by bringing in and embracing feminine ways of being.
By knowing and believing that the world is abundant – that love and abundance are our birthright – not just for the select few.
By knowing that we are always being supported by something larger than us in the universe.
If you are a woman who wants to live a sustainable and soul-filled life, learning to access your personal wild feminine is increasingly essential to doing the work of creating new ways of life and embodying these new ways of being.
At this time in history, breakdowns and breakthroughs are happening as we realize that many of the monetary structures, relationship forms, and work models are shifting in order to make room for a fuller expression of our truest selves.
Feminine energy can repair imbalances to our system and create new models when we recognize and cultivate its presence.
Shifting to a more holistic model of success allows you to value new ways of living and redefine success – instead, you can ask yourself:
How is my spirit? How has my spirit grown?
Am I resting and enjoying myself equally to accomplishing tasks?
How am I sharing my gifts and nourishing myself with my own love?
How am I tapping into my creative abundance? Am I in touch with my dreams?
Am I living what is truly meaningful to me, with people I love and care about?
Taking breaks in your schedule, seeing an illness as a message and an opportunity for retreat, or stepping out of role at work or at home that no longer satisfies you, can make space to fundamentally change the way you are inhabiting your days.
As more feminine energy is reclaimed – and with it, the connection to our inner wisdom – the masculine structures will transform. The feminine and masculine models will come together to create new potentials and reinvent our daily lives.
Are you ready to make room for a fuller expression of your truest self?
Would your children have a happier upbringing if you loved yourself more? If you modelled what self-love and an holistic, feminine model of success really means?
Bring a fresh, new energy into your life this summer.
Join me and open to the feminine – Loving Yourself Sets You Free – allow new energy and creativity into your life with – The Self-Love & Soul Freedom 10-Week Program –
Let’s talk – [email protected] or 647 222-3086