Choosing to Live in Love Instead of Fear.

For a long time, I was waiting and waiting for someone to tell me that it was ok to follow my heart – to step away from the conventional path and follow my deepest purpose and goals.
To dig deeply into my soul and act on the information that I found there. To truly live what was meaningful for me.
What I didn’t realize was that no one could give me the green light to follow my truth, I had to develop a deep trust and belief in my own heart and follow what I found there.
I spent a lot of time in my life running around chasing people and things that I thought would make me happy. I didn’t understand that my happiness exists inside me as my thoughts and feelings are the essence of my soul. I can choose to cultivate feelings of happiness and peace anytime I want to.
I used to believe that I would actually die without certain people in my life and that there was something wrong with me for thinking differently than others or wanting something different in my life than others did. I wondered why I didn’t want to go along with what everyone else in my immediate circle was doing and believing.
Then, I had an awakening.
It didn’t happen overnight, it was a gradual process of waking up to truth of who I am and what is possible for me in my life. I began to understand at a deep level that I am love, abundance and joy. As soon as a thought that told me otherwise crept into my mind, I knew that I was once again underr the old fear-based illusions.
Every time I began to sink in to fear-based thoughts of doubt, lack and fear, I would remind myself that my fear isn’t true. My fears are lies that I grew up believing, and I don’t have to continue to believe in them. Then, change began to happen more rapidly.
Knowing and understanding this freed me.
It allowed me to know that the universe is a loving place and that anything that felt difficult in my life was only there for me to learn from and to wake up more and more and more. I realized that I had been living under the false beliefs of worry, lack, adversity, and fear.
I actually believed that I had to stay in place of worry or fear or else I would lose the success that I had already attained.
So, I was perpetually fearful, anxious and worried and wondered when the next axe would fall in my life.
I couldn’t relax and bask in the joy because I felt that I was stuck and could not change the constant thoughts that adversity was just around the corner, unless I remained fearful and vigilant.
On the surface, everything looked fine – but on the inside, I knew better.
Over time, I began to drop feelings of attachment and dependency in my relationships that kept me feeling stuck and suppressed. I began to break free of these hidden barriers and I saw a way out of my old patterns of thinking. I realized that this feeling of being suppressed or held down comes from our fear-based conditioning – we grow up believing in these thoughts and behaviours and it keeps us feeling miserable and stuck.
As humans, we follow along with what others do because we want to be accepted and loved, but somewhere along the way we realize that our lives no longer feel meaningful for us and we know we must make a change.
Our thoughts and beliefs are consumed with ‘getting ahead’, ‘making money’ and controlling the people and environments around us, and nothing changes.
We don’t realize that we are consumed with these draining thoughts, and we don’t allow ourselves an opportunity to discover the true purpose of our life – which is to connect deeply to the power deep within us and to live out the deep, individual purpose that we find there – in love.
I didn’t realize is that I, like many of you, are playing out a centuries old script that told me and my ancestors that adversity was a requirement of our existence.
Those days are gone.
We now need to develop a habit of savouring, basking in and enjoying the abundance and love in our life and make this a minute by minute practice. When we do, we cultivate new beliefs and patterns in our brains and hearts, and know that we’re on the path of abundance and love.
Knowing in our hearts that we are grounded and worthy in the universe, just by the virtue of being who we are. We don’t have to earn love. Love is our birthright – and we just have to claim it in a minute by minute, day-by-day practice.
At any time, we can open a new door in our lives and we awaken to this truth. We can realize that when we put our worth in someone else’s hands, we give our power away – and we can take our power back.
Science tells us that we’re at the stage of evolution where we are learning to let ourselves enjoy love, abundance and other forms of positive energy without putting up barriers that keep us from enjoying it.
We need to be patient with ourselves if we fall back to our old fear-based, worry and anxious patterns, and remember to savour our abundant good fortune.
Once we have freed up our minds and hearts and we understand that we don’t have to dwell in fear-based thoughts and actions, we are free to build lives and relationships that excite, stimulate and enhance our lives. We don’t have to be stuck or trapped in relationships or situations that do not elevate the feelings of love and abundance within us and support our desire to live a life that we have chosen based on our dreams and desires.
Your life purpose is to live in each moment, discovering more and more of the truth of who you are and living that now.
You are meant to cultivate faith and trust in our abundant universe and know that there is a benevolent force always guiding and supporting you.
You can connect in to these truths when you get quiet – in meditation, yoga, yoga therapy, mindfulness and sessions with a trusted guide or mentor.
Living in love is a daily practice.
We can heal the past, rest in the present and let go of trying to control the future – and dive deeper into our personal purpose and live out your dreams and desires in a deep and empowering way.
You are so much more than you know and realize – love and abundance are your birthright, and you can learn to claim them at any time.
With love,
Let’s talk – [email protected] or 647 222-3086
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