Imagine a Woman in Love with Herself.

We’re swimming in a patriarchal world. All of our social systems are constructed with this energy. So what happens when we begin to bring in Divine Feminine energy? We begin to create and live in a very different way. Once we are filled with this energy, we begin to do things differently.
When you were a little girl, you felt your unlimited potential. You had expansive energy. You moved your body every day. And you felt the joy and expansiveness in that.
As you grew older, into your teen years, you lost your connection with what was deeply true and important to you – deep in your body and your heart – and you traded it for what was acceptable as a woman in our patriarchal society.
You began to fit yourself into a tight mold of what it means to be a woman. You strive to measure up in every way – body, career and relationships – to get all of this right – and over time, you begin to feel as if you are falling short or falling behind.
Feelings of unworthiness, sadness and fear crept into your day-to-day life, and began to feel normal to you. You lost your connection to your essence – your true self and your own dreams.
You didn’t know this was happening then, and now, it can be different.
You feel afraid. This fear asks:
You try to shape yourself into the job description, the career, the body, or the relationship, and you try to make it FIT you. You put on the mask. You push yourself through. You may be in a job that actually calls on your gifts, but somehow the daily structure is eroding you slowly. You may be in a loving relationship, but you also may be staying in a relationship out of fear.
You take your exhaustion to your naturopath or doctor for help, and she tells you you have adrenal fatigue, or a hormonal imbalance. Or maybe she can’t figure out what it is, it’s just stress. She offers you medication to help with your very real and important feelings and emotions.
You are so busy doing, doing, doing – that there is never enough time to replenish yourself and slow down.
Is it time for what finally wants to express through you to take over? How do you do that? Where do you find the courage?
You want to rebel. Because your heart is speaking so loudly, you are just tired of not trusting it, not listening, and not offering yourself from that place.
The voice of fear says – Get safe. Get security. Get a retirement fund and a pension. Get a mortgage. Get a relationship so you can avoid having to face any of this.
Receive this. Trust this. Remember your heart. Remember how it was. See the world through the eyes of the Feminine – in each one of us.
Let’s be together – In-person & Skype sessions are available for Individuals & Couples – with our hearts open – with space for truth and aliveness to rise.
Re-Wild Your Life with The Embodied Well-Being Program – A 3-Month ‘In-Your Body’ Rediscovery Practice for Women – Travel deep within yourself & Rediscover your ALIVENESS.
Work with Feelings in Your Body – Transform Fear & Anxiety & Trauma – Feel Safe & Grounded – Allow Yourself to Settle into What’s True for You.
This is an opportunity to explore the most significant aspects of yourself and your history–in ways not easily available to the thinking self, yet accessible through your body’s awareness and inner senses, intuitive movement, mind-body dialogue, your unique creative and spiritual expression. / [email protected]
Upcoming Workshop
Let’s be together to Reclaim the Feminine.
A monthly space for women to receive the Divine Feminine.
We will be together. We will rest in one another’s presence. We will talk. We will move. We will open ourselves to embody the mystery of the Divine Feminine presence and energy. We will allow the Feminine to lead.
We will explore into breath, sound and the watery, fluid nature of your body. Engaging non-patterned movement coupled with the vibrations of sound and breath you explore and awaken your body’s intelligence. You let go of the ways you define your body and what it can do, and open to the mystery of life that vibrates inside of you. Your curiosity and permission for what arises acts as a guide to a rich world of movement.
During the workshop you will:
– Feel grounded in your body
– Your dreams to rise to the surface and so you can remain faithful to them
– Understand and express your feelings more fully
– Follow your creative impulses
– Live fully in the present
– Feel confident, awake and alive
– Feel close and connected to yourself and in your relationships
– Trust in your body wisdom – expand your capacity for presence and emotional healing
– Deepen your spiritual connection and your fundamental connection to all in life
– Provide a safe environment for exploration, growth and renewal
Upcoming dates:
Sunday, October 15th
$30/space for 10 women
Sunday, November 12th
$30/space for 10 women
Sunday, December 10th
$30/space for 10 women
“If you have these two things – the willingness to change, and the acceptance of everything as it comes, you will have all you need to work with.” – Charlotte Selver / [email protected]