Embracing Courage: Surrendering to What You Fear Most

You are limitless. Let’s remember who you really are.
Many of us don’t feel limitless.
We feel stuck and restricted by our fear and anxiety.
We feel that we are not enough, unworthy, and that we are a problem to be solved.
Many people tell me that they want to step into the ‘flow’ of their lives – because they feel stuck in the same patterns, thoughts, and behaviours.
One of the key elements of our own evolution is to move through our fears and increase our understanding of this – what we feel is IN THE WAY in our lives – IS ACTUALLY THE WAY forward.
The aspects of ourselves that we hide from, feel shameful about, feel frustrated about and keep tripping over, are the aspects of ourselves that we can gently bring into the light and learn to accept in a brand new way.
By coming forward, being vulnerable, and bringing these aspects of yourself to light – what you feel you must hide will begin to dissolve in ways that you would never have imagined.
Coming forward is an element of surrender. An opportunity to bring the most vulnerable parts of yourself to someone who will hold space with you in spirit of kindness, gentleness and care.
You will begin to trust and believe in yourself in new ways. To become still within yourself and begin a process of acceptance, understanding and true happiness.
You are not a problem to solved. You don’t need to be fixed.
The process of understanding yourself, your habits and your history, is a process of peeling back the layers and moving beyond the stories and beliefs that you have about yourself and your life.
You can cease striving, and give up your need to be better, or to be something more or different than you are.
Allow yourself to have the experience of joy and peace that’s available for you in each moment. Practice stillness within yourself and be with what arises – and bring what has been troubling you forward. In the process, you will move away from feelings of anxiety, depression, disconnection and suffering.
To learn more about working together, please contact me for a free consultation:
[email protected] or 647 222-3086.