Embracing the Light of Your Own Heart
Listen to what you yearn for. It may be a simple wish that keeps coming up again and again, or it may be a wish for more connection and clarity in some aspect of your life.
There is no need to hang onto anything longer than it is helpful or healing. You can let go of what is no longer working for you and open yourself to receive new ways of being.
Some of us may be tired of doing things that don’t help us. We’ve seen that some of our ideas about how life should go truly don’t work. We’ve also realized how those ideas and their actions are causing us pain.
You may have noticed that when you don’t know how your life should go, you try to fight against the currents of life and this perpetuates a kind of inner division that can leave you drained, hopeless, and depressed.
It’s time to embrace the light.
Essentially, we know what is best for us. This is our heart’s desire.
What does your heart yearn for?
Listen to and be curious about your inner dialogue, your behaviour and your neglected feelings. Learn to discern what is true for you and what is not. Learn to separate what really matters to you from what you’ve been taught should matter.
It’s time to take your thoughts, feelings and desires seriously. These are your heart’s desire.
When we pay close attention to ourselves, give ourselves space and nurture ourselves, we are following the light of our own heart.
It’s time to give yourself the gift of your heart’s desire.