Being Present to the Wisdom of Your Body.

August 11, 2015

Even when your conscious mind has forgotten, your body remembers what has happened before.

When you take time to tune in to a particular area of the body and just be totally present to it, you may find it has much to tell you.

Your body is a map – it was there with you during every significant event, feeling, trauma and celebration – and it responded to what was happening just like the other parts of you responded.

Sometimes, depending on the situation, the response was lasting.

Your body possesses a wealth of information about you if you take time to listen – it is another doorway you have to gain access to yourself.

If you slow down – stop, listen and really hear what your body is telling you, you may be surprised.

Very surprised.

I help people tune in and listen to the messages within their body.

What would it be like to know and to truly understand – at a deep level – what the tightness in your shoulders means for you in this moment?

To gain a new understanding of that pain in your hip – that you’ve been ignoring for years – really means – and how to apply this inner wisdom to your life right now.

Would you like to experience an inner sense of peace, presence and understanding – that you may have never experienced before?

Where you may feel like you floating in the clouds, with a deep sense of joy and an understanding of what really matters for you.

To know and live from a rooted sense of purpose and peace.

This is not only possible – this is what happens for those who pay attention to and explore the wisdom of their bodies.

What’s underneath the struggle and chaos in your life.

Are you curious?

Are you ready to let go of the past and begin to live your life in the present?

To just BE.

Pay attention to your body – so that you can:

1) Let go of limiting beliefs and past trauma

2) Unlock the flow of grace in your life

3) Transcend your feelings of fear, anxiety and depression

4) Dissolve chronic pain, anger & feelings of inner chaos

Let’s talk about how one-on-one yoga therapy sessions or The Self-Love & Soul Freedom 3-Month Program – can transform your relationships and your life.

With love,

[email protected] or 647 222-3086


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