Deep Somatic Inquiry – Tracking Trauma Physiology and Nervous System Dysregulation – Reconnect to Your Energy, Vitality and Aliveness.

Do you sometimes feel separated from your body? You are not alone.
Lost in temporary chaos or stuck in overwhelm and anxiety? In a deep rut or can’t move out of a consistent depressed mood or a feeling of stuckness or numbness – is your sleep/wake cycle disrupted or eating patterns chronically out of whack?
We can track this dysregulation in your nervous system, and by doing so, change how you respond to stimuli in your life.
Our nervous system affects every aspect of our lives – our sleep/wake/energy cycle, eating patterns/eating disorders, relational/intimacy patterns, how much anxiety or depression we experience, chronic stress and chronic illness patterns.
When we take time to notice and pay attention to our nervous system physiology, we can learn about our chronic habits and stress patterns and increase our capacity to engage more deeply with the world.
We can’t out think a nervous system pattern – we must slow down and go inside of ourselves to notice what we feel or don’t feel inside of ourselves. This practice of noticing – along with paying attention to our hidden and often, incomplete self-protective responses – we can shift our unconscious and automatic reactions and trauma patterns and recreate a new way of being in bodies, in our relationships and in our world.
Trauma forces you to become estranged or disconnected from yourself – without your awareness. Expand your embodied capacity to be present to be with difficult emotions and bodily sensations.
Reconnect to your energy, vitality and aliveness.
Get to the roots of who you really are – found deeply in your body— beyond the constructs and expectations you’ve taken on from your family, culture, and the negative messages of your ego.
We repeat old family patterns and ways of being within our bodies – manifesting less movement in our bodies and minds. Allow new ways of being and a new consciousness to enter your life and you can be regenerated in new ways, so you can feel more alive – releasing the patterns of the past.
You may be running on a high degree of survival energy – resulting in feeling chronically overwhelmed or anxious. Our survival depends on our ability to accurately assess threat or safety in our internal and external environments.
Anxiety is the build up of excess survival energy – feel safe, feel connected, feel secure – expand your capacity for joy. Develop your nervous system capacity to be with discomfort, pain and joy. Riding the waves of survival energy – moving towards more ease and less discomfort.
Sensing provided by our proprioception system in the body, helps us form accurate and appropriate responses that ensure our health and well-being. We need the functions of proprioception and related embodied characteristics, including balance, grounding, orienting and vertical integration, to feel safe in the world.
The lingering effects of trauma, stress and conditioning can compromise innate survival systems, impact our confidence, sense of self, sense of connection with others and our desire to seek and understand – our innate humanness.
We will become aware of and practiced at the skill of micro-sensing which enlivens the felt experience and empowers our embodiment.A practice of being with discomfort and anxiety and hidden energy and watching it move.
Here’s what we will practice and learn – together:
- Learn how our physical and energy bodies are involved in generating and defending against your feelings and emotions. We draw from scientific research, and the practice of Somatic Experiencing (SE).
- Learn how to work more effectively with stress, trauma, emotion, attachment, cognition, and behavior through the physical and energy bodies: learn about co-regulation and nervous system regulation in the body.
- Learn about how fear of others keeps you from embracing your authentic life and deepest desires — and actually makes you more inclined to become emotionally or physically unwell. Learn how to work with these defenses in the physical as well as the energy body.
- Learn which parts of your body are bracing and holding experiences from the past – and slowly, begin to let go of those old experiences. Become more aware of your day-to-day emotions and nervous system states – so you can see where you may be able to modify your behaviour towards what is most healthy and enlivening for you.
- Go on a journey of embodiment – into the core of the feeling, the sensations, images, and the raw, shaky life that is longing to be held. And listen.
I continue to be mesmerized by the different feelings, textures, and layers in the human body. I am fascinated by how the body shifts through contact and awareness. I continue to wonder how unbidden and spontaneous memories could wash through a person as a part of the body awakened. I became interested in how the body might hold some kind of memory and emotional expression.
As a somatics practitioner, nervous system specialist, movement and embodiment teacher, as well as a relational somatic psychotherapist – I will support you to learn about your body and guide you towards releasing trauma held in the body and into a deeply embodied presence.
My desire is to listen deeply to your body, mind and heart – to hear what you are saying and what is even deeper than your words. I want to support your desire for healing and to support you to directly tap into hidden dimensions of your own inner healing capacity – and reveal your body’s innate capacity for restoration and emotional healing.
What better way to learn how to be fully embodied?
Working together is a relational, somatic process for you to heal long held relational, family of origin and intergenerational trauma – symptoms that may be hidden from you can be found in your chronic stress patterns, relational and emotional intimacy patterns, emotional and physical symptoms and pain found in your body – we go deep inside your body to notice your nervous system patterning and find out how you engage with the world.
When we can feel ourselves, we are able to detect and understand the sensations and emotions our bodies signal to us – and we can connect with ourselves and others from a place of felt honesty and sensitivity, set better boundaries, and make clearer decisions about our interactions.
There’s freedom to be found in turning towards the body – in conscious body awareness – and our ability to be present to what we are feeling. To learn, follow and stay with the truth of your experience, to notice your automatic responses – and to choose a different path forward for yourself – allowing new vitality and aliveness to arise in you.
I’d love to get to know you – to focus on your body, your mind, your symptoms and the courage it takes to move through shame and fear – along with the interconnection of your body, mind and emotions.
I look forward to being with you.
with love from my heart, Kim xoxoxo
[email protected] /
Deep healing at the level of the nervous system enables you to explore and expand your inner landscape where self – confidence and inner agency reside. When you heal your nervous system, you can more readily access deeper ways of knowing and being that include intuition, imagination, sensuality, and the subtle body of emotions. Get in touch to learn more about working with me – [email protected]
NEW Offering – Somatic Aliveness – Cultivating Embodied Well-Being – a 3-Month Online Program – access deeply held emotional, physical and relational concerns and focus on what you are hoping for during this program. Starting with a one-hour introductory session, then a 1.5 hour family systems trauma session – to access and heal the roots of inherited family trauma that you are carrying with you and how it affects your health, relationships and work in the present day – then an additional 6 online sessions to help you access deeply held body holding patterns, somatic trauma and emotional patterns and integrating unconscious blocks to help you access your internal, somatic freedom. A total of 6 one-hour sessions, on Skype or Zoom, one 1.5 hour family trauma healing session, and homework to help access internal transformation from anxiety, depression, panic, trauma, stress, eating disorders, relational struggles, chronic illness or health concerns – get in touch to learn more – [email protected]
Other Offerings – Family Systems Imprint – 90-minute Session – an in-person or virtual online Zoom session – an opportunity to get to the roots of intergenerational trauma patterns & begin a path towards relational & relationship healing. Uncover your family dynamics and trauma history – this is an opportunity to strengthen your internal relationship with your mother, father and extended family – in ways that contribute to healing – get in touch to schedule an online or in-person session – [email protected] /
Sessions for Individuals & Couples – an invitation for you – to feel present in your body, to unwind patterns of anxiety, depression, anger, hopelessness, chronic stress & pain, trauma, regulate your nervous system, to cultivate trust in your moment-to-moment experience, your naturally wise heart, and your capacity to connect to yourself, those you love and the love that surrounds us.
Somatic Body Learning & Practice and Somatic Experiencing Trauma Touch sessions are available for you now. Waking you up to the innate wisdom of your body, healing inherited trauma patterns, feeling yourself below the level of thought, and accessing your full beingness in flowing, fluid motion.
Get in touch to learn more about Family Systems Imprint Sessions & Individual Body-Focused Therapy Sessions, and Trauma Touch work in The Somatic Sanctuary – The Anxiety, Stress & Trauma Restorative Clinic – in-person, online or a mix of the two – and to set up a time to work together: [email protected]
The Anxiety, Stress & Trauma Restorative Clinic:
Creating Well-Being Through Nervous System Regulation.
Heal Relational Trauma – Break the Cycle of Inherited Family Trauma.
Nurturing Connection, Restoration & Building Resilience.
Easing the Body ~ Calming the Mind ~ Opening the Heart.
Somatic Experiencing ~ Somatic Practices ~ Trauma Touch ~ Movement.
Virtual, online sessions are available for those who travel regularly, have a busy schedule, live far away from the office, or prefer to work from your own home – [email protected]
Working together enables everyone who is willing to do the work an opportunity to decrease feelings of anxiety, pain, depression, chronic stress, pain or illness – as well decrease the chatter in the
mind, and ground your mind and body with the depth of the intelligence found in the body. Experience lasting somatic transformation and feelings of calm, peace and wholeness – within your own body and within your relationships.
Be wildly devoted to something.
Cherish every perception.
At the same time, forget control.
You are so very loved.