Relationships: Conscious Uncoupling
You may have heard the term ‘Conscious Uncoupling’ in the news within the last few weeks. It’s the term that Gwyneth Paltrow used when she announced the completion of her marriage with Chris Martin.
Since then, there has been a lot of talk about what this means. The term was coined by a psychotherapist in California about 10 years ago, and it refers to couples who have chosen to:
– Live into a vision of the future that is greater than the pain of the moment.
– Those who are committed to providing a healthy environment for their children to thrive
– Those who will be mindful of who they are being and question whether it supports the greater vision
– Those who are aware that there will be tough times… but they will release ‘being right’ in order to ‘do right’
“Conscious uncoupling’ is a powerful choice for couples. They can make the conscious choice to let go of the past, and live a vision of the future that is greater than the pain of the moment. This is a courageous, loving choice.
Couples always have a choice. They can come together from a place of understanding and decide to work on their relationship together. Sometimes, they decide that it might be best to separate. While this is a difficult and emotional decision, we work together to develop a vision of the future that includes a level of ease and peace for each person, for children, and for their relationships in the future.
If you decide to consciously uncouple, you will always have a relationship with your partner. If you share children, it’s obvious that you will share environments, but even if you do not have children, your energetic ties still exist. To create harmony with your former partner serves you.
Conscious uncoupling is for couples who are choosing: Love instead of Fear. Awareness. Truth. Kindness. Compassion. Understanding. Growth. For both of you.
You can choose to move beyond the pain of a relationship that no longer works for both of you, and move into a conscious future.
Allow me to support you along your journey.
[email protected] or 647 222-3086