Come Out of Hiding.

Push it down. Hold it in. Hold it back.
Don’t speak up. Be quiet. Be good.
This is what we’ve been told to do so that we don’t ruffle any feathers.
So we don’t upset anyone – and just get along.
We lose ourselves.
To survive, we’ve had to put parts of ourselves into hiding – in the hidden place of our shadow self.
We create a false self.
To own the truth of ourselves, we must open ourselves to all that we have disowned in ourselves.
As we were growing up, we disowned the parts of ourselves that threaten others – not wanting to appear too smart, too pretty, too much, too strong, too intense or too complex.
All women have had to turn away from some aspects of ourselves to get through our upbringing and childhood.
As adults now, we have a chance to heal and reunite with the parts of us that we had to abandon.
What can you do now?
You can begin to dismantle the life structures that you formed in your childhood, and begin to build new life structures to support your full authenticity as a woman and as a person.
To support your emerging dreams and desires – to support who you are becoming.
When you dig more deeply inside yourself you will find all of your talents, dreams, desires, feelings and ideas that had to be put away in order to receive love, validation and approval in a world that felt unwilling to accept your full potential – the parts of your that have always been inside of you.
Over time, you deny your true potential, even to yourself.
What parts of yourself have you hidden in order to fit in?
Your childhood fear of losing connection with your mother, father, society and relationships, keeps you from opening to and allowing your authentic self to rise.
You may unconsciously believe that your true self may cause others to suffer. The truth is that living your truth is a light in the world for you and for others.
What do you feel is at risk for you if you live into your full self?
Some relationships may not be able to handle the fullness of who you are – and you may no longer enjoy some of your relationships in the same way.
People may leave your life.
Things may shift.
New people will come into your life.
Things will change.
And nothing feels like living into the truth of who you are.
When you allow people to see a perfectly constructed self that is disconnected from the truth of you, what’s real and true about you suffers.
That’s easy to forget when your false self is rewarded.
When you give people what they want and expect, you’re sometimes showered with praise and attention. You feel loved in those moments.
You’re thrilled that you have been received so fully and powerfully until you realize that you haven’t been received at all because what you have shared is not yourself.
You create this image to experience a sense of safety and acceptance and ultimately you may find it’s a cage.
There’s a reason that we fabricate this false self. It’s vulnerable to be who you are.
You risk being rejected. You risk being criticized and ridiculed. You risk having no one coming to call at all.
The work of bringing yourself out of hiding is the journey of your life – it’s about finding what’s true for you for the sake of experiencing your true, authentic nature.
The more you can love and accept yourself, as you are, all parts and all aspects, the more love and acceptance you can have for others.
You can welcome all of yourself – those deeply held dreams of joy, ease and freedom – and allow them to come to the surface in your life – and begin to really live them.
Step into the fullness and truth of all that you are.
Let’s do it together.
Join me for the Self-Love & Soul Freedom 3-Month Program, Individual Embodied Mindfulness sessions, and Individual Therapy & Therapeutic Coaching sessions.
Kick off 2016 with the Whole Body Living 8-Week Program along with weekly Mindful Movement classes.
say hello anytime, xo
[email protected]