Breathe. Soften. Come Home to Your Heart.

Your body is your teacher.
You can tell how you really feel when you check in with the sensations in your body.
What is that heaviness in your chest?
What’s that feeling in your throat?
What’s that pain in your back, belly or knee?
Your pain points are your clues – to what you’re holding on to.
This is your armour. These pain points are the embodiment of your armour.
The armour that keeps you defended in your life.
That keeps you from feeling deeply, from emerging fully in your relationships and from feeling fully alive in your life.
Close your eyes. Take a mindful breath.
Breathe in deeply and slowly through your nose and out through your nose.
Do this again. And again.
Notice how it feels to breathe deeply into your shoulders, neck, head, face, jaw, back, belly, chest, throat, legs and knees.
Do you notice a softening? Maybe it was slight.
It was there.
When you shift your breath, patterns, habits, flow in your life, you will begin to soften – to let go and feel.
To feel and heal the pain and sadness that may have been plaguing you for years. That you can’t seem to let go of.
With regular practice and attention, your defenses will begin to soften that keep your body, mind and heart – tight and constricted.
The tightness that keeps you from engaging fully in a full range of emotions from sadness, grief, and fear to joy, love and exhilaration.
Your defenses show up as a conflict or arguments with your loved ones, or as sadness, anger, anxiety, depression or fear, within yourself.
You may often feel stuck, confused or unable to make decisions.
Once you become aware of this and begin to make some important shifts, a whole new world of feeling can become available to you.
If you are willing to commit to letting go of what you may be holding on so tightly to.
To what you may be protecting your heart from.
To the fear that your feelings and emotions bring up in you.
When did you stop paying attention to yourself?
To your body, to your heart, feelings, and dreams?
Breathe. Feel. You are not broken.
You are numb, shut down, disconnected.
Allow space for something new to emerge.
To know yourself deeply and completely.
Soften. Allow. Dance. Breathe.
Let go of needing to know what’s next.
Live fully in the love, joy and abundance that are flowing towards you in your life.
Today is the day to begin – open fully to your life.
Join me – For a workshop – Moving Through Anxiety – Monday, June 1st
Work with me One-on-One in the 10-week, Self-Love & Soul Freedom Program, or schedule a Yoga Therapy Session.
Find out more
Let’s talk @ [email protected] or 647 222-3086.