Awakening Truth & Being in the Flow of Life.
“That is why it is so important to let certain things go. To release them. To cut loose. People need to understand that no one is playing with marked cards; sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. Don’t expect to get anything back, don’t expect recognition for your efforts, don’t expect your genius to be discovered or your love to be understood. Complete the circle. Not out of pride, inability or arrogance, but simply because whatever it is no longer fits in your life. Close the door, change the record, clean the house, get rid of the dust. Stop being who you were and become who you are.” ~ Paolo Coelho.
Beginning. Letting go. Allowing. Opening. Being in the Flow of Life.
All of these can be found on the continuum of life.
Someone was recently sharing with me that all they really wanted was to “be with the flow,” and that if they could somehow make this happen, then they could fully open to life. They could finally be intimate, share their vulnerability, be truly connected, and take the risk that love asks of us.
As we discussed it together, we discovered that it was not actually possible, at an experiential level, to be “outside” the flow. We are always in the flow of life. It is the idea that there is some “us” on one side and some thing called “flow” in some other place that seems to be unique to the human experience.
Usually, when we talk about being “in the flow,” we mean that we like the feelings, sensations, and experiences that are arising in our experience. Or, the feelings that we have been told are the “right” ones by our families, societies, and even spiritual teachers. If there are more vulnerable, intense, groundless, or unresolvable feelings, then we see this as clear evidence that we are “out of the flow.”
Then a conflict within us begins. The dream of abandoning the non-flow to return to the flow as quickly as possible. If what we mean by “the flow” is freedom, aliveness, and wholeness, then this is not TRULY the flow. At least not completely.
Perhaps it is only in the willingness to fully participate in our immediate experience, exactly as it is, that the always, already nature of the flow will be revealed. It is not something you will get to one day, as some sort of acquisition, when you line up all of the right experiences, when you successfully abandon and replace what is here for something else. The flow is here right now, inseparable from what you are, and is revealed in your unconditional commitment to the truth of your immediate experience.
When you are willing to bring your embodied curiosity, openness, acceptance, and presence to whatever is arising in the immediacy of now, the question of how to feel more ‘in the flow’ ceases to arise. You are already fully alive.
In this embodied openness the path is everywhere, even when we least expect it. From this perspective, the distinction between “flow” and “non-flow” falls away, and you are left with is what you are, which is love itself.
This love is not passive but is fiery and alive, erupting with the qualities of warmth, wisdom, compassion, and kindness.
Allow love to astonish you on this day, for you never know which moment will be the last one. Allow this moment to be a vessel of aliveness in which its qualities can pour out into our world, a world which needs them now more than ever.
Being in the flow is not separate from the truth of now.
love Kim, xo.
[email protected]
In-person & Skype sessions are available for individuals & couples – allow time to be with your experience of yourself, your life and relationships. Cultivate trust in your natural intelligence, in your naturally wise heart, in your capacity to be with what arises.
Join me for Awaken Your Heart – The Self-Love & Soul Freedom Program – access the feminine, find your innate self-compassion and a sense of ‘home’ within yourself, along with time to love yourself fully, deeply and completely.