Awaken. Go Your Own Way. Live Your Truth.

January 28, 2015

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line.”

I mean truly love yourself. No matter what. In sickness, health, pain and joy. When you make mistakes, break a heart, fall down or stumble.

Forgive yourself and get up. Then, love yourself again.

Do you want to awaken to the truth of yourself and live it? Are you feeling frustrated because you don’t know what it is?

You’ve learned about yourself and you still don’t feel that you know your truth.

You feel stuck. Blocked. Confused.

When you feel frustrated, you push harder to try to understand yourself, and then you feel even more frustrated.

Stop pushing yourself and defining yourself by what you do or what your know or who you know.

When you do that, you can begin to embrace all aspects of yourself, and step into what is true for you in this moment. Hold on to that truth, no matter what happens.

What you may not realize is that your unconscious beliefs create your reality – and that about 95% of what’s going on within you is outside of your awareness.

When you can take time to understand what is out of your awareness, you can begin to align with what is true inside of yourself.

Let’s create a conscious, loving container for ourselves that can be nurtured and will lovingly embrace you at all times.

This container clearly defines the boundaries of what is yours and what belongs to others. By creating a conscious container for yourself, that you can visualize during times of conflict, stress or difficulty, you can move through any upheaval, turmoil or fear that is generated by what’s going on inside you.

This container contains elements of compassion, and the strength of a warrior. You can focus on this container every day with unconditional acceptance, and you can hold yourself through uncomfortable passages.

To create your container, you must be willing to:

– Consciously choose those who are supporting you in your life
– Let go of the need for people to like you
– Practice calming and centring yourself when you feel upset or scared
– Clear out old stories about yourself and move through buried emotions
– Feel what’s happening for you – the good and the bad – stay present
– Love and accept yourself every day
– Be mindful of how you treat your body every day

During difficult and transformative times, you may feel challenged, scared, exuberant – all at different times. All the while, you can learn to trust your judgement and intuition, and nourish yourself, while transforming old beliefs and patterns of being.

When we are not aligned to what is true for us, we will get clues in our body.

We will suffer with chronic pain, fibromyalgia, headaches, fatigue, pain in our back or neck, insomnia or muscle pain. These symptoms are a sign that something deeper is going on and gently needs to be given time to be understood, because it’s a deeper part of ourselves that is making itself known.

Attention must be given to deeper parts of ourselves that are outside of our awareness, and we must take care of those tender and beautiful parts of ourselves that are held deep within us.

Take a Vow. Go Your Own Way.

Align with the Flow of Your Life.

Here’s your daily practice:

Each morning, visualize a fire in your belly.
Then, imagine that you offer all of your fears, worries, cares, aches, caretaking thoughts and pains and offer them to the fire.
Visualize the fire burning these concerns into pure light.
Imagine blessing yourself with the fire by breathing the white light from your feet to the top of your head.

Check in with your emotional state. Allow yourself to feel deeply, reflect on those feelings and move on. You don’t want to stay stuck in your emotions.

Take 5 minutes each day to move through some of your emotions. Dance vigorously. Yell. Move. Use your voice and let your emotions move – scream, cry, om, growl….you’ve got to keep your emotions moving.


Upcoming Evening Workshop 
Going Deeper – Explore Yoga, Movement & Your Emotions

We’ll explore the connections between your emotions, movement & stillness.

We will practice yoga & meditation as paths towards our emotions rather than away from them and learn to increase emotional tolerance to deepen our ability to support ourselves.

In movement, we will practice yoga poses & their emotional archetypes, as a means to utilize yoga as a healing tool.

In stillness, we will practice noticing our inner experiences without reaction, to give greater freedom to being carried away by our thoughts & feelings.

We’ll explore YOU. Together.

Wednesday, February 18th – 7pm to 9pm

“Don’t turn away. Keep your eyes on the bandaged place. That’s where the light enters you.” Rumi

Work with me.
For more information about my work & workshops:
[email protected] or 647 222-3086


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