The Hidden Beliefs Keeping You Boxed-In & Stuck.

“Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?” – Rumi
It’s true – many of us are stuck, as if in some kind of prison, when the door to freedom is wide open in front of us. We try – but we just can’t access the freedom we’re hoping for.
If you’ve noticed that you keep repeating the same patterns in your relationships – with family, friends or lovers – you may have outlived the usefulness of some of your beliefs. Even our most determined efforts to achieve different results, do not allow us to connect and relate with others in the ways that we had hoped we could.
You may find yourself trapped by hidden beliefs – and you didn’t even realize it.
Often, when we’re very young, we begin to believe in a series of beliefs passed along to us by one or both of our parents. We believe what they tell us to believe because it makes us feel closer to them – safer and more connected.
We can’t see our hidden beliefs and we often don’t know there are operating in our lives until they outlive their usefulness. We may be trying to make the world look a certain way (according to our beliefs) – when our actual, moment-to-moment experience doesn’t actually correspond to our lived experience.
What if the change you needed to make was actually hidden from your view – and that family relationships and internal belief ‘contracts’ that were created so long ago – and seem irrelevant now – are still very much alive in you.
So alive in you that they are operating in the shadow of your life – out of your awareness – waiting for you to become aware of what’s happening and let go of these old agreements.
You may think you already know yourself and that there’s nothing new anyone can show you or help you understand.
This is your resistance – a energetic state and well-developed strategy you are using to stay the same.
When you become TRULY open, vulnerable and available to new understanding – new awareness and possibilities – that once seemed impossible before – arise in you.
Instead of trying to change your external circumstances- something deep within you, begins to shift and change – and you begin to trust your lived, moment-to-moment experience – and a new understanding of what has happened before in your life comes into full view.
The portal to openness is to allow what you are thinking and feeling in your life to be transparent – to bring everything out in the open. All the old feelings, stories, relationships and difficulties that you’ve locked away because you never wanted to feel them again – are holding you hidden inside your box.
Open the lid and walk out of your box – when you let what is painful, difficult or shameful, out of the box – you begin to walk with truth and freedom.
To begin the journey, all it takes is you, right now, in this moment, saying – my patterns stop here with me and I’m open.
I choose to change my own circumstances and not to pass along to my children the ways in which I’ve been holding patterns of hurt within me. I choose to allow my children to operate in the world the way that THEY do, rather than the way I do.
We can honour what has happened before and begin to create a new way of being and relating to our world. A way that is based on noticing your world as it arises moment by moment – rather than being caught in agreements made with our family and others a long time ago.
This is your journey – a journey to come to yourself and remember that you are love.
love, Kim xo
[email protected]
In-person & Skype sessions are available for Individuals & Couples – to become present in your body, to cultivate trust in your moment-to-moment experience and your naturally wise heart, and your capacity to connect to the love that surrounds us.
Embodied Study – A 3-Month ‘In-Your Body’ Rediscovery Program for Women – Travel deep within yourself. Rediscover your body’s intelligence. Come back to your body – learn to be playful and creative again.
This program is for women who are ready for a deep dive– willing to commit, make time, and clear space for the deeply penetrating and likely life-changing process that somatic work and embodied study bring about. This is an opportunity to explore the most significant aspects of yourself and your history–in ways not easily available to the thinking self, yet accessible through your body’s awareness and inner senses, intuitive movement, mind-body dialogue, your unique creative and spiritual expression. In this program, we will engage the two interweaving pathways that comprise any authentic journey of transformation: the ascending pathway of realizing our true nature, and the descending pathway of integrating that nature into our down-on-the-ground human embodiment and human life. We will cultivate the subtle body, which is the bridge that allows our awake nature to come down to earth, and to manifest in our lives.