Claim Your Wild, True Feminine Nature.

May 12, 2015

What does the feminine mean to you? 

Many women hide or downplay the feminine. They want to succeed in a fast-paced, masculine world, and do not want to celebrate their feminine identity.

Feminine. Open. Vulnerable. Strong. Free. Committed. Loving.

It’s time to celebrate the feminine in you. It’s time to rise.

You may want a deeper understanding and connection to the depths of your soul, and you may wonder – how?

You ask – how can I live a life I love, with people around me that I love, and be successful doing it?

If you have felt that you’ve wanted to make changes in your personal or work life, and have felt stuck again and again – you’re probably denying your feminine, without realizing it.

What happens for many of us is that our feminine energy gets stuck.

From an early age, we get caught up in the predominant masculine energy in the world, and we lose faith in our goals and dreams that are outside of the masculine view of what defines success.

We’re pushing harder and harder, achieving more and more – and feeling empty and lost in the process.

Do you sense you were meant for something more? Something deeper and more meaningful?

Are you experiencing a painful gap between what you sense is possible and what you are experiencing every day?

Discover how to unlock your feminine power, break-through your inner barriers to success, connect with your intuition and live the depths of your definition of joy in your life.

Many of us have lost our connection to the feminine – the essence of our true nature.

We can achieve anything we desire, and many of us are reaching for accomplishments that lie outside of the feminine, and do not truly resonate with us individually.

Society and your family may be telling you – way to go – but you may be feeling disconnected from what is meaningful for you.

We need to connect deeply to our centre – the core of ourselves. When a woman is in tune with her core, her energy flows and she knows how to maintain it.

This connection to our feminine energy allows us to connect to and respect our bodies, our minds, and spirit. When we take time to practice self-care and connecting to our deeper nature, we begin to feel rooted in the truth of ourselves.

We’ve been following another path for centuries. We’ve grown up believing that we are weaker in some capacity than men, and that we need to prove ourselves or make up for it in some way. That belief drives us and changes the energy in our bodies. If we practice and cultivate a deep belief in ourselves and our feminine nature, many things in our lives begin to shift for us.

We have more energy, we experience less stress, we know in our bones that we are inherently valuable – no matter what. We don’t have to strive to prove our value or worth to anyone, including ourselves, our value is not based on our appearance, how much money we have or our partner & family.

Our worth is already solid. We are inherently worthy, no matter what our circumstances.

When women are fully able to embody the energy at her core, she is able to heal her feminine wounds of the past, release self-limiting beliefs and engage her potential.

If you want to shift any core pattern, you must work with the creative and feminine energy that is already flowing through your body. You may not know how to access your feminine energy – we can work together to connect to your feminine energy and allow it to flow again.

Many of us feel confined by our roles in modern society – even when we may appear to be successful in many aspects of our lives.

Some clients feel that they can navigate their career and work life and feel lost and scared when it comes to navigating their personal lives and relationships. We can understand and heal those patterns and allow something new to emerge.

Using your creative energy to create a new life for yourself, in any area you choose is very possible, and it requires a deep level of trust and faith in yourself before it will happen.

We will work together to cultivate healing practices and tools for you to bring this creative, healing energy into your life.

There’s an alternative to living with only a fraction of your feminine identity – you can challenge the gender constructs that restrict it. When you begin to challenge the roles and choices you associate with the feminine, you can begin to change them.

Within you is the desire to express the feminine in your own unique way – and your creative potential depends on your ability to take advantage of this freedom.

In forging a direct relationship with the feminine, you can consciously cultivate your own creative ground.

Create a Personal Meaning of the Feminine

Begin with a piece of paper and a pen.

1. List all the things you associate with being a woman.

2. List all the things you associate with being feminine.

3. Reflect on the similarities and differences between the two lists.

Reflect on what your wrote – did you tend to list rules, issues, or parts of the body?

What do your answers imply about the role of womanhood and the feminine?

How are your lists similar? How are they different?

Is there anything listed there that you want to change for yourself?

What do you need to support this change?

What is needed to bring this feminine aspect into your life?

Can you begin to trust and believe in the feminine in you?

Are you ready to claim your wild, true feminine spirit and energy?

Allow me to support you as you come back to the feminine – to the depths of your centre and in to the flow of your life.

To connect fully to your body, breath, energy, health, emotions, love and relationships – the true depths of you.

Let’s talk – schedule a free call @ [email protected] or 647 222-3086.

Join me for an in-person workshop or the one-on-one Self-Love & Soul Freedom Program –  

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