When the mind finds silence through the movement of the body, you can hear your hearts’ wisdom.

What is Embodiment?

Come back to your body with grace & ease. Tap in to your body wisdom for life.

Feel it all. Embody yourself and live fully in to the flowing aliveness of your body, mind and heart.

As you awaken more to the truth of your being, you have a greater capacity to be present for more and more challenging experiences, and those experiences find a completion through you instead of getting stuck in you.

With a trauma-informed, embodied practice, you can experience something fully and deeply as it’s happening to you, and it can move through you so that the next day or the next week, it’s gone.

As your capacity to embody wider experience grows, your dark shadow experiences often come into the light of your awareness because they’re seeking to be embodied and therefore free. You cannot free anything that you’re not willing to embody. To embody it means to be completely present for it. ~ Adyashanti

Embodiment is grounded in awareness of your inner world and environment through bodily-based perceptions. To embody the lived experience of a particular moment means to viscerally feel sensory, motor, emotional, and imaginal experience rather than to experience ourselves through mental concepts, ideas and categories.

Open yourself to body learning – expand and live in to your full potential as a person and a human being.

What does it feel like to be embodied?

Embodiment is characterized by a felt sense of grounded aliveness, vitality, calm yet active presence in the moment, a keen awareness of subtle internal and environmental shifts, and a sense of belonging to something larger than ourselves.

With embodiment, our inner, subjective world is fluid, dynamic, alive, and outgoing, naturally leading an interest and curiosity about the inner world of others.

As we grow, we often attempt to understand our struggles through one aspect of ourselves – our minds – instead of tapping into our bodies and hearts for insight and wisdom. Our body and heart offer new awareness for us and can be a gateway to new awareness and ways of feeling and being.

The body is the ground floor of the life that we live. Everything that happens in our personal experience happens there – our accomplishments, our pain and our joy.

Through practicing embodiment we become more aware of who we are, what we are feeling and the signals we put out into the world.

We learn to let go of shame, fear, trauma and past tensions and begin to tap into our future conscious hopes to be present and alive in each moment as it unfolds.

Each of us longs to be free. To tell the truth about the feelings in our body – and let go of the pain, shame, trauma, grief and difficult emotions that may be held there.

Honour your body, yourself and the feminine. Join me on a path towards greater Embodiment of who you truly are.

Explore your body’s inherent intelligence, healing, transformation and expression. The intuitive body is central to our explorations for its capacity to bridge the conscious and unconscious, and to connect us to our internal resources.

Genuine healing involves more than our mind and cognitive abilities – true insight needs to be experienced in the body and responded to within a conscious, empathic relationship in order to become integrated within each person and brought into the community.

When we meet one-on-one – we take time to slow down, listen to what your body-mind is expressing, and offer interest to the whole of your being.  Your body is a resource for all the aspects of your life —emotional, relational, intellectual, and imaginal. 

As we attend to the silent, seen and unseen movements of your being, and the ways your physical body informs you – your nervous system sensations and lack of sensation – we awaken awareness of deeper needs and more options for ways you can respond to attending yourself emotionally, relationally, intellectually – with imagination.

We do this by exploring sensation awareness, breath/sound and movement expression, and offering interested attention to all expressions of feeling flow.

The body is the vessel in which the somatic transformation process takes place.

There was a time when you felt healthy, whole and in balance. That possibility lives within you at all times – and a fast paced, stressful lifestyle can make contact with it more difficult.

Embodiment practice blends guided, somatic (body/sensation based) process, interoception (noticing what’s happening inside of you) work, intuitive movement, somatic inquiry psychotherapy, body awareness and somatic/body intelligence exercises, Somatic Experiencing and Body-Mind Centering.

Embodied Inquiry is about dropping into your Beingness to discern from and listen to a deeper place. This is about learning how to feel and follow your internal compass. For most of us, that compass has been covered over by many layers of conditioning – ideas of who we are supposed to be, how we are supposed to act, and what the world out there is all about.

We explore uncharted possibilities for self-expression, embodied change, connection, and belonging. Embodiment practice creates space for exploring the self in the native languages of the body: creative movement, felt sense and feeling, instinctual wisdom and intuitive cognition, authentic self-expression, and deep connection to Earth.

Explore a holistic approach to emotional and somatic, body-focused wellness – deep and uncharted waters within your own being – allowing space to bridge your inner world and outer world.

Explore the emotional roots of relationship struggles, chronic illness, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, addiction and eating disorders.

You will “see” yourself through breath and movement. You will understand your sensations and emotions from a cellular level – to release grief, experience deeper self-love, acceptance and spaciousness.

Explore your wild soul – develop a heightened level of curiosity and a desire to follow what comes up within you.

There’s a link between what happened before in your life and what is showing up for you now. Explore the connection between trauma and embodiment as a pathway of healing in the present – cultivating embodied well-being.

We cannot speak of embodiment unless we speak of the heart. Shifting our perception towards living in love is central to the descent of our aware essence into our experience of a deeper truth, one that only the heart can contain and know.

Until the heart is grounded in the deep wisdom of itself, it can be caught up in habitual patterns of emotional attachment and emotional extremes. Becoming grounded and connected to our hearts is a crucial support when accessing unconscious fear, most especially when we have stored it away in the body.

The more we trust our heart, the more it will reveal its true nature and with it a love that longs to greet every hidden corner of your being. Layer upon layer of hidden unconscious is liberated through the cells and organs of the body. The emancipation of the unconscious is the richest alchemy and results in the direct knowing that all that has ever been present is Love. When we know that we become that ~ we live embodied.

Connect with yourself again and again – come back to your body – in a nurturing and opening experience where you will listen to the subtle and not so subtle messages your body gives you on a moment to moment basis – and cultivate inner resources and lasting support that you can draw upon in the days to come.

Open yourself to receive. Feel present in your body. Open yourself to deep nurturing aliveness & pure love.


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Living Embodied – A Heart-Mind Embodiment Immersion

A 3-Month Embodied Process
 – Deepen Your Connection to Yourself, Trust Your Intuition, Inner Wisdom & Truth This process is a commitment and investment of time and money in yourself – in your body, mind & heart. Please get in touch if you have questions about this embodied program and process.

Have you been ignoring or overriding the feelings or sensations in your body?

Now is the time to pay attention to something deeper within yourself – what you’ve been longing for. You will step into new ways of feeling and being – Be Fully Alive – and live from a place you may have never known – your authentic truth from your body, mind & heart.

New ways of being in the world do not happen by chance.

The Heart-Mind Embodiment Immersion provides consistency and support by offering structure and practice for those who are committed to doing deep, transformational work.

While the focus is on the ideas included below – this program is customized for you – for each person who commits to themselves and their inner work.

The Heart-Mind Embodiment Immersion draws on a diverse, integrated combination of an In-Your-Body process and study in the areas of embodiment (living from the truth held in your body), Integrative Body Psychotherapy, body awareness, sacred movement, somatic psychology, embodied mindfulness, energy work, clarity breath work, Body-Mind Centering, Continuum Movement, dream work and holistic self-inquiry.

You will deeply understand that love is who you are. You will free stuck energy in your body, move beyond the repetitive patterns of your mind & body and set yourself free.

  • Have you been struggling with one or more issues for a long time and you can’t seem to change or move past it?
  • Have you been suffering with ongoing health concerns, chronic illness, chronic pain or chronic stress – with feelings of anxiousness, fatigue or depression?
  • Are you tired of holding it together by yourself for so long and you want to embody your free-flowing self so much more?
  • Are you at the end of a relationship and ready to start fresh in your life now?
  • Do you feel stuck in certain areas of your life – you want to connect, but there’s something in the way?
  • Are you feeling broken, numb or overwhelmed?
  • You know that you have a lot of love to give but you just can’t seem to access it or express it, let alone let another person into your life and heart.
  • You know you are in need of healing and it’s time to move on.

Access your free-flowing radiant aliveness. Live from the energy in your heart.

You will make sense of and understand your core wounds, core beliefs, emotional patterns, feelings of unworthiness and feeling not good enough – and finally break through to feelings of love, worthiness and joy.

This is a deep, transformational, one-on-one program – created to help you know the love that exists within you – become empowered and clear space within yourself to grow, blossom and transform – within yourself, in your love relationships, work and family life.

You will deeply connect with the love and beauty within you – while making peace with your shadow

I’m here to say it doesn’t have to be like this. I will help you move from pain to empowerment, to be there for support, to gently challenge you when you need it, to celebrate your womanhood, your deep growth and transformation, and reflect back to you the beauty that is within you.

You will breathe through your whole body and share your feelings – and you will work through body practices, journal exercises, arts exercises, and suggested meditations and movement to help you break free of what has been keeping feeling boxed-in or stuck in some areas of your life.

Most importantly – you will begin a lifelong, deep connection and love for yourself – your body, mind & heart – and new practices of connecting deeply with yourself that will begin on the first day of the program and continue every day after that.

When you step forward – invest and commit to yourself – you give yourself the time to clear space in your life for new awareness & understanding of yourself and within your relationships too.

If you are worried about the time, money or commitment ~ sign up.

If you are drawn to the mystery of the heart, the empowerment of women and your own self ~ sign up.

If you want to know deep love, heartfelt laughter, vibrant health and inner wisdom ~ sign up.

This is the beginning of a new and beautiful chapter in your life ~ sign up.

Something beautiful awaits you…. sign up.

You are not a problem to be solved.
 You are a beautiful life to be lived.

Heart-Mind Embodiment Immersion includes the following:

Somatic Inquiry & Integrated Heart-Mind Embodied Therapy sessions

Ongoing Individual sessions – Online – via Skype

Embodied Study – In-Your-Body practices & discovery in-between sessions for you

Somatic Movement practices, meditations, journal exercises, breath work and readings for you

Here’s what we’ll do in our sessions together:

Awaken Your Heart – Cultivate and Practice of Paying Attention to Yourself in Your Everyday Life. Explore how you may have learned to turn away from and abandon yourself and your true needs, and learn to let go of the patterns that keep you feeling hurt, scared and alone. Understand your fear-based patterns, and learn to begin to turn towards yourself in self-loving ways. Slow down, take time to really know yourself and what keeps you feeling weighted down. Create a new pattern of paying loving attention to yourself – emotionally, physically and spiritually

Clear a Path to Your Truth – Explore Your Patterns, Beliefs & Stories. Break through old patterns, take down the blocks and barriers that keep you stuck. What’s meaningful to you now? We will uncover possibilities for you and allow you to take time to listen, breathe and to pay attention to YOU. We will uncover why you may have turned away from yourself and how to start a new pattern of paying attention to yourself – emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Practice Profound Presence – Connect with & Open a Dialogue with Your Body. Let’s slow down and get quiet. Let’s take some time to get to know what happening within you emotionally and physically. Let’s breathe into your truth and be with what arises. Sacred movement practices allow your energy to flow again. You are supported.

Understand Your Deeply Held Beliefs & Family Dynamics. Everything that happened before now sets up the movement of your life. You will learn about how your childhood messages and family history plays a role in the way things are right now and how to heal the past and move forward with love and kindness for yourself and others.

Heal Your Shadow Self. You will learn more about the vows you made to yourself long ago – what you’ve been hiding and suppressing in order to feel loved and accepted. You will learn about taking responsibility for the real you and letting go of expectations, moving beyond fear, conflict, blame and self-doubt. You will become clear about your feelings, emotions and what assumptions and choices you have made that keep you from being true to yourself and following what feels authentic and truthful for you.

Come Back to Your Body & Cultivate a Deep Inner Knowing. You are Lovable, Worthy & Enough– No matter how successful you are on the outside, you may have nagging feelings of unworthiness, low self-confidence, and low self-esteem. You may be saying to yourself – I have achieved a lot in my life, and I still feel badly. Why? We will uncover what is at the root of your feelings of unworthiness and low self-esteem and you will open yourself to universal feelings of love and worthiness.

Open to Your Gifts – Allow Yourself to Receive. We will take time to reflect on everything that has happened so far in your life and how all of it feels to you. We will hold space for everything that has happened before, acknowledge your contributions and open yourself energetically and completely to allowing what is truly meaningful into your life now.

Practice Self-Acceptance & Self-Compassion. This is a key element of the process of connecting to your wisdom and living your truth and how you can implement daily and weekly timeless practices to gently focus on yourself. Practice trust, belief and opening to your deepest truth.

Let In What You’ve Always Longed For – Feel Connected. Come back to yourself – loving yourself sets you free. Holding nothing back, you will learn to feel your fear and move beyond it so that you can live fearless and free in the only moment we have – NOW – and live deeply and fully with grace today and in the days following this program.

I’m delighted to share The Embodied Well-Being Program – Awaken Your Heart + Self-Love + Nurturing + Transformation = Freedom – an embodied process to help you unravel conditioned patterns that you take to be true and discover that you can live from your true essence that is already whole, peaceful, and at ease.

Open yourself to receive. Feel present in your body.
 Open yourself to deep nurturing aliveness & pure love.
 Loving Yourself Sets You Free.

Choose love

Begin living from the deep wisdom and truth within you – The Embodied Well-Being Program – is a 3-month conscious commitment to yourself & your body – in love, joy, peace and radiant aliveness.

Begin. Let go.

The days of abandoning yourself are gone. Turn towards yourself to allow ease, love and abundance into your body, mind & heart. Get in touch with me with any questions you have about this program – and I’ll give you all the details you need to begin.

With love, xoxo. 

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Tell me it’s wrong

Tell me it’s wrong to follow what brings me pleasure and allows my spirit to flow.

Tell me it’s wrong to follow what the raw part of me craves and pulls me closer and deeper into.

Tell me it’s wrong to want breath and movement in every moment.

Tell me it’s wrong to follow what’s juicy in me towards shadowy, uncertain places.

Tell me it’s wrong to be me.