NEW Offering – Healing Ground – Living from the Core – Embodiment Community Online Zoom Classes

Sunday, September 25th
4:00 pm to 5:15 pm

Healing Ground - Living from the Core - An Embodiment Community Class - Coming September 2022

We are coming out of isolation and longing to be held in safe, nurturing community. We will explore the ways that our feminine soul longs for depth, somatic presence, movement and compassionate connection - from deep inside of ourselves. Softly - let's practice coming back to the body - together. We will go within to experience ourselves consciously living within our whole body. Feel more vibrantly alive, awake and responsive to life. Begin from the comfort of your own space - noticing the warmth and softness of the pillows and blankets underneath you. We will nourish, nurture and restore our innermost fluidity ~ allowing our souls to more fully blossom. Know the truth of who you are. Feel authentic, real, free.

Slow down. Breathe. Open to somatic awareness, energy and healing. Pay attention to our moment-to-moment biological unfolding process, taking us to places previously unknown to us. Sounds and breath soften our tissues - and water flows with ease through our flesh and bone, rehydrating our bodies. Tap into the innate wisdom and intelligence of your body.

We will notice what happens in your body when your nervous system is activated, what supports you towards caring for yourself in this moment?

Together, we will practice being with sensation, emotion and awareness as it arises, sensing into our bodies and feeling them - becoming more aware of our bodies and selves in our wholeness. Practice subtle inward attunement and access to the subtle, flowing core of our bodies.

This is a practice of caring for ourselves and learning to be with difficulties as they arise - along with balancing our awareness in our bodies. Move from the thinking body to the emotional, feeling body and allow yourself to flow.


Be with your body - we will focus on all of your organs, cells and systems. Practice living more clearly balanced and settled in the core of your being. Recognize and care for the tender and young parts of ourselves that fuel our struggles in everyday life.

Be with the fear and feelings of inadequacy that drive your chronic stressful energies. Heal long-held nervous system patterns. Dive deeply into the sensations of your body to find the ground of your being. Practice fully receiving all of the nuances of life’s changes, inhabit your body, disentangled from habitual grasping of the movement of life.

Explore the qualities that nourish the experience of the ground of being: awareness; emotion; physical sensation; love; power; wisdom; wonder; intelligence. Attune to yourself and others within the pervasive field of fundamental consciousness.

Expand into the spaciousness of present moment awareness.

Experience Stillness. Silence. Movement. Breath. Sound.

5 x 1.25 (1 hour and 15 minute) classes 

5 Sundays -

September 25
October 16
November 6, 13
December 4

$250.00 for all 5 classes

Please get in touch if you have any questions - registration and payment can be accepted via etransfer–[email protected]

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Testimonial 1

When I came to you I felt confused, disconnected and broken. Now, I'm on my way to feeling whole. Thank you.
Kim Cochrane
When I came to you I felt confused, disconnected and broken. Now, I'm on my way to feeling whole. Thank you.

Testimonial 2

I’m so glad I’m giving myself space to explore what’s happening in my life and to understand my feelings.
Kim Cochrane
I’m so glad I’m giving myself space to explore what’s happening in my life and to understand my feelings.

Testimonial 3

I've wanted to do this for a while and I'm so glad I did - I trust myself more now, I feel more calm and open - working together has changed the course of my life.

Kim Cochrane
I've wanted to do this for a while and I'm so glad I did - I trust myself more now, I feel more calm and open - working together has changed the course of my life.
Kim Cochrane