Living Fully Alive – Deepening Your Relationship with Life
Ashgrove Medical Centre
6633 Hwy #7 - Suite #012
Are you living fully alive? Listen.
Have you noticed you a growing need to slow down, take time and be fully present with yourself?
Living fully alive is a doorway into a deepening relationship with your life. The first gift of this workshop is to provide and nurture a space for a deeper conversation with yourself that doesn't happen much of the time. Impermanence and change exist as core realities in our bodies and in our universe, yet authentic conversation about living fully - at any age - is rarely found. In this workshop we will use meditation, writing exercises, group discussion, breathing, simple yoga postures, and contemplative silence to awaken to and discover how this natural process, the gift of living fully alive, can bring us closer to your own true nature, true work and openheartedness.
Young or old, in the middle of your life, in a dark wood or your imagined bright future, living fully alive with wisdom, openness and gratitude is a life practice to help you wake up and see this life - your life - in all its precious radiance. Bring all parts of yourself. Wake up your full self and live fully alive from a place of truth and authenticity. Lets begin a conversation.
Get dosed with a shot of bliss - slow your pace and connect deeply to yourself and your heart.
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